Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

-YoonGi's POV-
I had written down what I needed from the grocery store on my college applications which I'm not planning on going anymore. "Let's see. Bread,milk, eggs, tomatoes, apples..." I said to myself. A gush of wind suddenly blew and my paper flew out of my hand. "HEY COME BACK!" I screamed running after it. I sprinted past some little kids on their bicycles and a couple who took up the entire damn sidewalk. Fuck... its the road. I looked if there was any cars but it was too late, I was already in the middle of the road. I prepared my body for the worst as I  closed my eyes shut and froze in position.

A few seconds passed and my breathe was uneven. I opened my eyes slowly to hear someone slamming the door shut. "Yah! Are you are implanted behind your head? It's a green light! Did you want yourself killed?! You're so lucky I stomped on those breaks on time or you'll be dead by now!" The guy with blonde hair said. I studied his face. Have I seen him before? Oh. "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that, Park Jimin?" I asked. He looked confused. I don't need to waste my time here. I looked back forward and dashed off.

The paper was on the floor a street down. Thank god I found it. I picked it back up and brushed the dirt off it. I went to the grocery store and gathered all the shits I need. I'm just so tired from running I need a nap. I'm starving too. I quickly paid and walked home in my own pace. I was waiting for the light to change when I hear the car in front of me honk it's horn at me . I looked at it and the windows rolled down.  Oh great it's that beauty guru from earlier. "Need a lift?" He asks smiling. "No thanks." I said " I don't make friends with beauty gurus. I don't need friends" he chuckled and said "that wasn't a choice, Min YoonGi"

The Secret Between Two YouTubersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora