❥ Record Store Fuck ❥

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I found one of my old one shots, I really don't like this one but oh well! (btw i drew the lil pic above on picsart @/whorebore follow me boi)

( genre : smut )
word count: 1706

+ Gerard continued his walk, tugging at his sweaters sleeves as the brisk air nipped at his skin. He shivered as he rushed into the local record store, smiling as the heating in the store warmed him from the cold weather outside. He stepped over to the shelves of records, looking through them as he hummed along to the quiet music playing through the overhead speakers. He picked out a David Bowie vinyl and a Smashing Pumpkins vinyl, walked over to the register where a shorter man with tattoos galore was watching him, biting at his thin lip ring.

+ Gerard set down the two vinyls, grabbing his wallet out of his pocket as the man rang up his items. "Good choices." The man said, smiling at Gerard with a amused glint in his eyes. "Thanks." Gerard said quietly, paying the man before going back to leaving the store. He looked outside the store and saw that it started to rain heavily, wind violent outside.

+ Gerard sighed softly, turning around to the man that was smirking at him. "You should probably stay until it settles." The man suggested, which Gerard agreed to and leaned against the cash register counter. "Come sit." The man offered behind the counter where there was a stool beside his own. Gerard thanked him at sat down, rubbing his hands on his baby blue jeans. "My name's Frank." The man, Frank, announced. "I'm Gerard." Frank nodded, smiling as he looked at Gerard up and down.

+ "I don't mean to seem creepy, but you're absolutely gorgeous." Frank grinned, making Gerard blush up to his ears. Gerard smiled and nodded, looking up at Frank shyly. "You're not so bad yourself." Gerard said quietly, turning to look at Frank with bright eyes. "Why thank you, baby boy." Frank smirked, making Gerard squirm in his seat. Gerard held his breath for a moment, blushing even brighter.

+ "Come here." Frank smiled, inching Gerard towards him. Gerard got up from his seat and shuffled closer to Frank. Frank grabbed him by his waist and pulled him closer, smirking at him as he gazed into Gerard's eyes. Gerard leaned closer to Frank, blushing brighter than he ever has as he let out a soft breath. Frank leaned in closer and kissed his lips, getting off his seat and pulled Gerard's body flush against his.

+ Gerard gasped, allowing Frank to push his tongue in Gerard's mouth. Gerard moaned into Frank's mouth, his eyes fluttering open before they shut again. Frank pushed Gerard against the wall next to them, pressing himself harder against Gerard as they both breathed heavily through their noses. Frank pulled away from Gerard, kissing and sucking at Gerard's neck as Gerard tried to catch his breath.

+ "Oh my god." Gerard moaned as he grabbed onto Frank's hair, letting his eyes roll back in pleasure. Frank kissed and nipped at Gerard's jaw, going back to his lips. Gerard moaned into Frank's mouth, pushing his aching erection against Frank's in a desperate manner, letting out a whimper as he balled his fists in Frank's misfits shirt. "Fuck me", Gerard whimpered as Frank left hickeys all over his neck. "Employees lounge", Frank whispered in Gerard's ear, pulling him into a small room that had a couch and television, a desk and ancient computer in the corner with a mini fridge.

+ Frank opened a drawer in the desk as Gerard got undressed and onto the couch on his hands and knees. Frank pulled out a condom and lube, walking over to Gerard. He placed the two items beside Gerard as he unbuckled his belt and jeans. Gerard was quick to grab the lube and stretch himself out, letting out small whimpers as his cheeks burned in embarrassment. Gerard pulled his fingers out of himself as Frank lubed his dick, positioning himself with Gerard.

+ He slowly pushed in, earning a soft whine from Gerard. "You're so thick." Gerard whimpered as Frank's thighs met with his squishy bum. "Tell me if you want to stop." Frank said quietly and kissed Gerard's shoulder blades gently. "Just relax", he whispered and began to slowly thrust in and out of Gerard. Gerard squirmed slightly as Frank pushed in and out of him. Gerard kept moving his hips on Frank in search of his prostate and once he found it he let out a gasp before pushing his hips back harder on Frank in a desperate matter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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