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A/n: this is long and probably shitty but I tried

(Unedited, sorry for any mistakes)

Alec had made himself at home in Magnus' apartment months ago, not that Magnus complained, he loved Alec's company and not to mention his sweet kisses. But since Alec hasn't been staying in the institute anymore, Jace has missed his parabatai's constant sarcasm and innocence, for it made him hysterical on how the eldest shadowhunter that claimed to know everything yet didn't understand most mundane terms at the same time.

Jace tried many times to get Alec to stay put at the institute; to try and break away from Magnus' but he refused. So Jace thought instead of forcing Alec to stay with him, he'll just have to follow Alec instead.

And that's what he did.

One night they were both on Magnus' balcony looking up at the stars standing side by side leaning frontwards on the ledge.

"The stars are quite beautiful this evening" said Magnus looking into the distance.

Alec chuckled softly, "You know what's more beautiful than the stars?"

They both turned to each other, small smiles printed on their faces as Magnus hummed in response.

"You" said Alec, inching closer and closer to the warlocks lips, craving the touch he had received only moments ago until-

"Hey guys! Long time no s- oh, o-oh...Sorry, I interrupting something?" Jace snickered crossing his arms pointing at how close they were to one another, realizing what he budded in on.

Alec and Magnus stepped away from each other, faces flushing from embarrassment.

"N-no...u-uh I-, we were j-"

Jace snorted at his parabatai's stuttering, patting Alec's shoulder as a sign saying 'don't worry about it'

"Well c'mon then, Let's go train, it's been awhile" said Jace.

"We trained this morning" Alec retorted, irritated that he just barged in on him and Magnus without even caring.

"So we'll do it again, we always gotta be ready right?
Alec sighed but nodded as Jace walked back into magnus' apartment.

Alec turned back to his warlock with a displeased expression.

"I'm sorry, Jace can be...well, Jace" he shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, it's alright"

"You know I'd rather stay here with you but Jace never takes no for an answer" said Alec chuckling.

"I know Alexander, we'll have time when you get back to continue this" said Magnus, leaning in for another kiss.

"Alec lets go!" Jace hollered, interrupting them once again.

Another time they were both laying on Magnus' couch watching a horror movie, which wasn't Alec's choice. Magnus only chose it for one reason, to cuddle his boyfriend when he'd get frightened from jumpscares.

A loud roar from a monster came from the screen, making Alec yelp and shake in Magnus' arms.

After awhile the movie ended and Alec was clinging to Magnus' chest. The warlock snorted at the sight.

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