Don't you wanna be more than friends

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Don't you wanna be more than friends


"You don't know?" "YES, Luke, I don't know it!" "How can you not know this, I mean-" I was roughly interrupted when I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. I didn't really notice what was happening to me. Wait. He kissed me. Ashton kissed me. A boy kissed me. And I just let him kiss me. I had to stop this. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away. "Ashton, stop!" He looked shocked about what he just did. "I'm sorry, I-" "Stop, just stop! I was really happy to have a friend who helped me through this but... I don't like boys this way, Ashton! And I can never love you like this. I'm sorry I really don't want to hurt you, but I think we shouldn't see each other anymore." Before he could answer me I just stormed out of his apartment.

I was running really fast. I knew he didn't hunt me but I just wanted to get away from him as fast as I could. I felt the pain in my chest but it was different this time. It was something else. "Luke?" I turned in panic just to see Michael looking at me worried. "What's wrong?" I put a hand on my heart and took a deep breath. "Nothing, it's just... I just.. I-I should go home." I turned around again and wanted to leave but he took my arm and didn't let me go. "You look like you ran 10 Miles and I can see that you're in pain. Come on Luke, tell me what happened." I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm back. "I don't want to tell you, I don't want to talk about it! I just want to forget it and go home so leave me alone!" 

"Stop this shit, Luke, talk to me!" I was really annoyed but he didn't care at all. "No, you stop this shit, Clifford! My problems are non of your business and just because we are something like friends now it doesn't anything! You fucked my girlfriend while I was still with her, I won't forget that and I won't forgive you! So just leave me alone, Michael, we aren't friends." I pushed him away and just ran away. Great  Hemmings, I thought. You just lost the only two friends you have within 20 minutes. I'm proud of you.


I winced when Luke smashed the door. What did I do? I destroyed our friendship. I shouldn't have kissed him. I knew that he didn't feel the same about me. It was obvious. No, I knew that he didn't like boys. And now he hates me. He definitely hates me.

I don't know how long I stood there in front of my door. I don't know why I just stood there. Maybe I hoped that Luke would come back. Deep down inside of me I knew he wouldn't. I took a deep breath when someone knocked against my door, still hoping that it was Luke. The hope was all gone when I saw a black haired boy with brown eyes who could definitely not be Luke. "Hello." I said quietly without any emotions. 

"Wow, Ashton, you look like shit. What happened?" Calum asked and closed the door while I just sat down on my couch still staring at one point. I took a pillow and pressed it to my chest. Calums face appeared in front of my eyes but i wasn't able to really look at him. I mean I looked at him but I didn't see him. "I kissed him." I mumbled in trance. His eyes widened. "Uh, you don't mean Luke, right? Tell me you don't mean Luke." He sat down next to me. I still didn't look at him. "His lips are so soft." "Wha- Ashton!" I winced and looked at Cal. "Stop shouting at me!" "Well, you weren't listening to me that was all I could do!" "What do you want?" "Who the fuck are you talking about? Who did you kiss?"  I sighed and brought the pillow closer to my chest. "Luke." "Shit, what did he do?" "Uhm.. first he didn't do anything but then he pushed me away." He was quiet for a moment. "And then?" "He told me he doesn't want to see me anymore and left." 

Cal wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "His lips are so soft I felt like I was in heaven." I mumbled. Calum laughed but immediately sighed again. "He's an asshole." I raised my eyebrows. "He's not." "He is. No one breaks my best friends heart." I sighed. It was silent again. I actually just waited for me to break down into tears but I didn't. "Say it, Cal." He hesitated before he answered. "What do you mean?" "The whole 'I told you' thing. Say it." "No, Ash, I won-" "Say it Calum!"  He sighed and stroked my arm. "I told you, you would get hurt when you fall in love with him." 

And there were the tears I waited for. "I know." I answered my best friend. I started sobbing when he pulled me closer again and I cuddled into his side.


Hello! ☺

it's really short i know i'm sorry. but there wasn't anything that still belongs in this chapter. and i'm sorry that it took so long but as i told you i was in london and i didn't have much time to write.

buuuut i am back in germany and i have easter holidays so i should be able to write more and update faster. or at least i will try ☺

well thank you soooo much for 325 votes, i never expected that! and the prologue has 50 votes, that's sick, i'm glad you all like my story ☺ 

thank you so much for reading and commenting i love every single one of you! ♥

did you see all this ashton drama on twitter on saturday?! ugh i was so mad at this stupid girl that tried to trend that ashton should cut i just wanted to kill her. and he saw this shit! i was so worried. ashton doesn't deserve this, i mean he's an angel!

just needed to say this i'm still angry about it ugh.

well, i hope you liked the chapter though. 

so, can i get 350-360 votes and 160 comments, maybe? would be cool ☺

the more comments and votes i get the faster you will get a new chapter just saying.

byee x

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