Have the right to lose control

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Have the right to lose control


"Good morning, son." I looked up and smiled at my dad who walked into the kitchen. "Morning dad." He went to the refridgerator while I continued eating my cereals. "And did you manage babysitting Zoe?" Dad ask when he sat down in front of my. I layed my head to the side. "Actually Ashton came over and helped me because Zoe actually likes him." "That's really nice of him." "He's a nice person." I shrugged and looked down at my phone which blinked because of the new message.

From: Ash ♡

I'm so sorry I left without saying goodbye, I didn't want to wake you up.

I smiled when I read it.

To: Ash ♡

It's ok. But you still have my shirt.

I put my phone back on the table. "Good morning!" Mum, Jack and Ben all entered the kitchen. "Morning." Dad and I said in synchron. I looked at him, he looked at me and we both laughed slightly. Like the good old times. "We're all here so we can have a big family breakfast!" Mum clapped her hands and smiled at all of us. "Uh, sorry mum, I just wanted to leave and go to Ashton. He has my shirt I need it back." Jack raised his eyebrows. "Why does he have your shirt?" Ben let out a slight laugh. "Yeah Luke, tell us why does he have your shirt?" I rolled my eyes while mum slapped the back of his head. "Zoe played with her food and Ashton held her so he got everything on his shirt." Mum sighed when I looked at her with puppy eyes. "Fine. Go to Ashton." I grinned and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks mum." "Just go."

Instead of going to Ashton straight away I went to Michaels house first because there was something I wanted to talk about and since I couldn't do that with Ashton it had to be Michael. He almost immediately opened the door which surprised me because it was only 10am and he usually slept at this time. "Wow you're awake!" I wondered and came in. " "Sophia just went home and I said goodbye so I had to stay up." I nodded. "What are you doing here?" he asked when we were back in his. I bit my lip. "Just visiting my best friend." "Of course Luke, I feel honored. And the real reason?" I shifted on the chair I sat on. Michaels eyes widened when he saw how nervous I was. "You want to talk about you and Ashton, don't you?" "No." "That means yes. Go ahead, Lukey, I'll listen." I burried my head in my arms and groaned. "I can't do that it's too embarrassing." "Oh Luke, come on it's less embarrassing when you talk to me and not to Ashton, so go on." I raised my brows. "I'm not so sure about that actually." "Whatever. Do you plan on uh... doing it with him soon?" "This is really embarrassing uh... I don't know. I mean I don't have much time left. But I'm not even sure if he wants to."

"He's a boy he wants to." Michael assured me. "But the thing is he has more... experience in this things." "It's not like you're a virgin, Luke, you had two girlfriends before. I'm sure you know how to do that." "With girls, Michael. That's different." He grinned and I just sighed. Michael just looked at me for a while when I suddenly got a message from my mum telling me I should buy milk. "Well, I need to go. Mum wants me to buy milk and then I wanted to go to Ashton." Michael chuckled. "Maybe you should talk to him about that. I feel like I couldn't help you much." "Yeah since I'm dying soon it's totally acceptable to embarrass myself in front of my best friend AND my boyfriend." "Oh Luke. Go buy your milk."

I stood in front of the shelf in the grocery store when suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder. I lookef at the blond woman confused. "Excuse me? You're Ashton's friend, right?" I nodded. "Uhm yes... wait you're his mum!" I recognized her. What did his mum want from me? I was a bit scared that his step father was here and paid me back for the last time I met him. "How is Ashton? Is he fine?" his mother asked me. I wad confused  "Uhm, he's fine. Yeah, everything is fine. Why do you ask?" I was suddenly mad at her. I mean she threw ashton out of her house and now she's acting like she's a caring mother. "He's my son!" "You kicked him out of your house." "I didn't. Steve did." "You could have stopped him. Ashton doesn't deserve this." His mum sighed. "I'm sorry for everything I did. Or everything I didn't do. I just want him to be happy. Please tell him I love him, ok? And I miss him." I looked at her for a while but nodded. "OK I'll tell him. But you should talk to him, too." 

She shook her head. "He hates me. And if Steve finds out then... I don't even want to imagine what he would do." I was surprised that Ashtons mum was actually really nice. "I will tell him." "Thank you." She smiled at me and I just smiled back before I left the grocery store totally forgetting the milk. 

"Good morning." I greeted Ashton smiling when he opened his door. "Hey." I leaned down to kiss him. While we still kissed he pulled me in and closed the door behind me. "It's really frustrating that you're taller even though you're two years younger." "Well I guess you have to grow if you want to be older and taller." "Ha ha." We went to his living room where we both sat down on his couch. "I have to write something but I should be finished soon. If you want to eat or drink something just take it." he told me and took the little book from the table. I nooded but since I wasn't hungry or thirsty I just layed down on my stomach and watched him.

After a while he looked down at me noticing my stare. "What?" he laughed. "What what? I'm watching my boyfriend that's all." I smirked. He smiled slightly. "I love when you say that." "What? That you're my boyfriend?" He smiled brighter. "Exactly." He leaned down and kissed me softly. "See, now you're taller." I joked. He just laughed and went back to writing whatever he was writing the whole time and I kept watching him. Never in my wildest dreams I have imagined that I would fall in love with a boy. But Ashton was different. He was so kind and cute and it was just impossible to not love him. 

Yes, I loved him. But I couldn't say that yet it was too early. I loved everything. His curly hair, his hazel eyes, his muscles. He was perfect. I could be really happy that he didn't give up on me. 

"Ash?" "Yes, Luke?" He didn't look at me immediately. I took a deep breath. "How many boyfriends did you have before?" Now he looked at me with a confused glance. "Why?" I shrugged. "I'm curious." "What did actually happen to the shy, cute boy I met in the hospital?" I pouted. "You only liked that boy?" "No but you really changed. You're braver. That's a good thing not bad." "Well then answer my question." "Two." He started writing again while I answered more questions. "How long?" "6 months with my first boyfriend, 9 months with my second boyfriend." "So you probably had uh..." Ashton smirked and looked back at me and I blushed. "Not just probably, Luke."

Ashton chuckled slightly and put the book away. "So this is what all the questions are about." I blushed more and more. "I only had girlfriends before that's different." I sat up and he put a hand on my cheek. "I know, Luke. But you don't have to worry I won't do anything that you don't want." He kissed my forehead. "This topic is so embarrassing." I mumbled. Ash grinned. "I'm your boyfriend. That's ok."

"Wait, I almost forgot to tell you something!" He kissed me before but I pulled back because I remembered that I met his mother. "I talked to your mum." I spoke immediately. "You did what?" He didn't seem too happy about it but I just kept talking. "Yeah I met her in the grocery store when I wanted to buy... I forgot the milk. Whatever. She asked me if you're fine and she wanted me to tell you that she is sorry and she loves you." I looked at Ashton who just sat there for a while. "I don't care." he suddenly said. I was confused. Was he serious about this? "What?" "You heard me. I don't want to see her anymore."

"But she actually was pretty nice." "Ha, yeah she has that effect on others." He crossed his arms. "You should at least try to talk to her." "No, why should I?" "Because she is your mother, Ashton! She deserves to know if her son is well." Ashton suddenly jumped up. "She doesn't! You have no idea what she did to me, Luke." "Then tell me." "Steve tried to beat me up several times and mum didn't care at all. She stood next to him and didn't to anything. I could have died and she didn't care. She doesn't care about me at all."

"That's not true." He looked really angry. Maybe I should have stopped before. "Who are you to assess that, Luke?! You met her once, you know nothing about her. Nothing!" He ran into his bedroom slamming the door behind him. Oh, damn it. I went to far.


ok it's 4am so i won't write much under this anymore i just want to sleep.

keep making suggestions for a song luke could sing to ash :)

and ok most of you wanted me to write the first time of luke and ash so i'll probably do it. it's gonna happen pretty soon bc of the time luke has left and well yeah. whatever, it's probably going to be pretty bad since i've never written something like that :')

Oh and in what point of view do you want me to write their first time? You can decide :)

yeah i really need to go to bed now. goodnight xx

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