If you love somebody you better tell them while they're here

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If you love somebody you better tell them while they're here


I was laying on the hospital bed and tried to sleep but it didn't work because my dad sat on the chair in the corner of my room and kept staring at me. "Dad why are you still here?" I murmured. I already had my eyes closed and I was really tired. "I'm worried." He answered. "I'm already in the hospital and your heard the doctor I won't die yet. It's just the stress so calm down." Dad sighed. "You will understand that when you have your own children." I just sighed and tried again to sleep. 

That attempt was interrupted when someone came into the room. "Is he sleeping?" I heard someone ask. It was Michael. "I'm trying to but you guys won't let me!" I growled and opened my eyes. Michael sat down on the chair next to my bed while dad stood up and finally left the room. "What happened?" Michael asked slowly. I shrugged. "The doctor said I'm a bit too stressed. And it's not a good idea to go jogging with a heart mistake." He raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't know that before? I mean the jogging part?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I did, Michael! But do you really expect a 17-years old teenager to sit at home all day? I was bored." "Well, next time you're bored call me instead of killing yourself." I rolled my eyes again and leaned back to look at the wall in front of me. Michael sighed. "Why are you too stressed?" "I don't know I- it's that whole Ashton thing I guess." "Ashton? You didn't see him since a while and now you're stressed because of him?" "It's not exactly because him it's because of my- I don't know, my mum told me she would call you but I hoped she'd call him." Michael looked confused for a moment but then he smirked. I looked down on my hands. "You like him!" "I don't! I mean I don't know."

Michael grinned. "When your mum called me I was with Calum and Ashton in Starbucks. He knows that you're here, Luke and he's worried. You should call him or at least text him that you're fine." I shrugged. "Maybe I should." He was silent for a minute. "You won't call or text him right?" I sighed. "I don't know Michael, can we talk about something else?" "No we can't." "What?"

"Look Luke, Ashton is still really nice and cute when it comes to you even though you behave like an asshole. Calum told me what you did in that grocery store the other day. First you tell his brother you two aren't fans and then you go and punch his stepfather? Come on, Luke." I rolled my eyes. Wow I did that often today. "What, Michael, what?" What did he want? "Why are you so afraid to admit that you feel something for him? More than friendship?" And again I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore this question but he didn't want to drop that topic. "Answer me, Hemmings."

"I don't even know if I feel anything for him, ok, Michael? He's been a really good friend for me. I could always call him when I was feeling bad and everything was better when we were still friends but I never liked boys in that way, never. It's different." "Why is it different?" "I just- No one ever became that important to me in a few weeks. That scares me. He means really much to me and I trust him." "Wow, Luke Hemmings, I never thought you'd be such a wimp." Michael grinned and I hit him. "First you want me to tell you what I think and when I do you insult me. True friendship." He laughed. "I'm sorry." "Hm."

He put his arms on the edge of my bed and rested his head on his arms. "What about that kiss?" I looked down at him. "What?" "Did you like it?" "I-I-yes kind of. His lips where so soft I-" "No details please." I rolled my eyes for the I don't know how many times now. "Idiot." "You should tell him." "Tell him what?" "God Luke! Why are you so dumb today? Tell Ashton that you like him! And don't dare to say you don't feel the same for him like he does for you I know you do." "I don't want to be with anyone Michael! As you remember my last girlfriend cheated on me. And I'll die in probably less than two months. He deserves someone who won't leave him soon." "There's still a chance that they find a heart for you. And Ashton doesn't want anyone else he wants you. You deserve to be happy. No matter if it's with a girl or a boy. I can see how happy Ashton makes you, Luke. Talk to him." I sighed and looked him in the eyes not sure what I should do.

Two days after I talked to Michael I could finally leave the hospital. It was so boring. Michael visited me after school but he always wanted to talk about me and Ashton.

There was no me and Ashton. I didn't text him and I didn't call him. I felt really bad because Calum told Michael that Ashton didn't feel very well since I was in the hospital. He was kind of sick because he was so worried. But before I talked to him I had to find out what I actually felt for him.

I mean I really liked that kiss even though I never wanted to admit it before. It was just weird. He was a boy, I was a boy. I really wasn't homophob but I never thought I would fall in love with a boy. Especially not with a boy I just met. It really scared me. We didn't know each other very long and I still trusted him more than my mum. Speaking of my mum. What if she hateed me because I liked a boy? No my mum wasn't like that. But maybe my dad. Or my brothers. I didn't want to loose any of them. Well, how much could I loose when I die in two months?


ok idk if this chapter is long or not and I should actually be in bed but I wanted to upload today so I did it

I hope you like it ☺

sorry if it's not really long but it's already 11:30pm and I have school tomorrow.

sooo thank you so much for over 200 comments and almost 500 votes I never thought i'd get that much. thank you! ❤

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