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he invited me to go eat.

and i accepted,

and that was even

to my own surprise.

we eat ramyeon,

and i chuckled

when i saw him slurp

up those noodles

all at once.

and then he asked me,

"sola-ssi, how did you get

interested in playing the piano?"

to this i responded,

"i never fell in love with playing it

until ten years after i started.

i was forced by my parents to enroll

and start learning,

and i never enjoyed it until

two years ago,

when i was sixteen."

he blinked without talking

for a moment,

and then drank the broth

of his soup.

"that's real odd," he whispered.

"what is?" i asked sharply.

"it's weird how you're so good

at it, but you never loved playing music

until ten years. that's a whole decade!"

he exclaimed.

i shrugged. "even now, i still sometimes

wish i was out there doing something else

besides playing piano."

taehyung looked at me for a moment.

"someday, i want to play the violin

as good as you play the piano.

i wanted to play the violin

against my parents' decision

quite opposite to your story, sola.

but why can't i play it well?

i love music so much,

but i can't seem to develop a skill

for it."

i frowned upon hearing

his story.

"the world isn't fair," i said that,

but i wasn't sure if saying so

was helping him or not.

"hm, you're right," he remarked.

"like how yoongi-ssi is such

a wonderful piano player

and all the girls swoon over him,

and his ability to play and his looks,

but on the inside, he's a real mean person.

he used to bully me and yell at me for

sucking at playing the violin, too.

but people still like him and god

still lets him win music awards

at all the recitals.

the world's unfair."

i don't do anything but nod,

taking in all the words

he's said. 

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