Chapter 4- Little Girl

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*Kaias P.O.V*

1 hour later...

We arrived in this beautiful neighbourhood, filled with mansions and villas.
It was extremely beautiful, he lived in this huge Villa, HUGE!
I'm not even joking it's
enormous for a bachelor.

"This way" Mr Romano seemed irritated, he used short words every time he spoke to me.

"Okay" I replied while following him into his Villa.

He opened the door with his fucking finger print.
I feel like we're in some top secret lab and we need to use our fingers to get in haha I feel special.
Okay ignore me.

"Your house is beautiful" I say trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, go to the second floor, first room to the left is yours, don't touch anything" he said then entered a room with 7 locks, what the bell could be in that room?

Meh, I'll find out one day.

I did as I was told, I won't lie I kinda got lost, buttttt I found my way to the room.

I opened the door, to reveal this amazing modern bedroom..

I loved it.

I made myself comfortable, by placing the bag with stuff on the huge queen sized bed.
I put the "tiny" amount of clothing I had in its place, my toothbrush in the toilet and all my other stuff.

I decided to have a bubble bath, because I honestly haven't had one since I left my house, I took my clothes off and prepared my bath.
I lit some candles that were in the toilet cupboard.
I was in the bath for about 2 hours, feeling myself drifting to sleep, I quickly got out and drained the bath.
But my pajamas and went to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

*iPhone Ringtone*

"Where the hell are you Kaira!" I rolled my eyes, hearing that it was Lil speaking.
"Listen, you don't have anything to do with me anymore, I'm living somewhere else and I'm fine, I'm coming to get my things later, bye" I hung up the phone and as I was about the lay down again I heard loud bangs on the door.

"Uh, yes" I said.
"Breakfast is done, don't take long I have a busy day" the same old, ice cold, raspy deep voice.
"Uh, sure I'll be down in a sec" I said a little nervous as I'm still not comfortable staying here.

I put a robe that was in the bathroom and put my black socks and headed downstairs.
The smell of waffles and fruit.
Did he make this?
If he did, this is a H U S B A N D !
Okay ignore me once again.

I walked up to the glass table and sat down next to Mr. Romano.
"You have the job, and you'll stay here until you can buy your own place with the salary you'll be receiving" Mr Romano said, dry as ever.

"Uh, thank you so much for this opportunity and I appreciate the fact that you let me stay-" he cut me off before I could finish, "No need to thank, the sooner you're gone, the better" he said, as he got up taking a bite of his apple and exiting the house.

He walked right back in " you start tomorrow at 8:30 until 9:00pm ok" he said and rushed out of the house.

Guess I'll be here all alone today.

I finished having my breakfast and went to my room.
Seeing a credit card on top of my desk, with a note on top.

This card is yours, I've sent all the details to your email, use this card to buy any clothes, feminine essentials or decor for your room, just don't buy a house okay?

Pin: 5685


Well damn.
Was the only thing I thought.
Looks like I'm going to have a busy day today.


So I think I'm done.
Time to do the worst thing I'll ever do, pick up my shit at Lil's.
I knocked on the door, and Lil opened it giving me a smile.
I barely looked at her, I couldn't.

I rushes inside and grabbed all my things.
As I was leaving the apartment, Lil grabbed me on the arm "Kaira Wait"
"Don't tell me to fucking wait!" I couldn't control the anger I had towards her.
"Look, I fell in love with him" she said with a sad expression on her face.

"Be happy, but without me" I said then left the apartment.

Finally done.
Leaving Lil hurt like hell, but I was hurt or I am hurt.
Our rule was to never let a boy separate us, and it did.
I can't change what I feel.

Hope you all enjoyed chapter 4!
Sorry I didn't update!
But I've got news, I'm moving to London because I live in Portugal.
So it's been really stressful with the moving and stuff.
But I promise that once I move to London my writing schedule will change!


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Give me your feedback Angels!
It helps me a lot!

Later dudes❤️
Bianca M

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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