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1. Be an honorable Captain and respectful to your mates

There is no need to insult others. If you do so, then don't find it weird when your crew decides to make you walk down the plank.

2. Be active

Be aware of updates and make your assignment on the given time.

3. Write a proper comment

Your partner wants you to be genuine and to show that you truly read their book. Comment what you think, your opinions, your likes and dislikes. You can leave plenty of little notes throughout the chapter, but at least one last comment with a 3 sentence minimum.

4. You must start your comment with #ship

This is so I can locate your comment easily and verify you're doing your part.

5. Notify in case of unexpected storms in the horizon

You may suddenly face a sever case of Life-Happening. Please, inform your partner and me before leaving the club or going on hiatus. Also, be nice enough and don't leave with your part undone.

And I repeat, communication is important for this club to work. I'm counting that you'll be responsible and considerate to your partner and keep them informed in case of difficulties. It is really annoying to feel ignored. 

I know sometimes it might be difficult, but try your best to keep your partner informed.

6. Any difficulty or doubt, please contact me

Unsure what to do or uncertain about a rule? You can ask me via pm if you prefer.


1. You are required to add this book to your library and follow my account FeatheredSerpent

This is required for you to be properly notified whenever I make updates to the book.

2. Then you can comment on the chapter CREW'S APPLICATION

Write the password "aye aye, captain!" at the end of your comment so I can see that you read everything. Without the password we will not accept you.

3. Little restrictions

There is mostly no restrictions towards genres. Though be aware that some genres and content might have more difficulty to find an appropriate partner.

Only books written in English are accepted.

We strongly suggest to have a max of two books submitted per member. For more, please contact me.

You can have a max of three partnerships at the same time (it means reading books of three different members while they read yours). More than that is not recommended. There is no restriction to the amount of partners in the long run. You can read every single book of the club if you wish.


Here I'm going to explain how The Partnership bookclub works. 

1. Gather of interested writers.

My main intention is to gather interested writers and pair them together according to their preferences and book length.

Or, you can check the member's list (THE HARBOR) and if someone interests you, pm said person asking if they accept joining you. In the case of a positive answer, please inform me of the new partnership through a pm as well.

Another option is to check the latest Travel Log. At the bottom of the chapter there is an updated list of members who are looking for partners.

2. What we suggest

There is no carved rules on the boards of our ships, so all the bookclub does is to suggest an option for the partners to follow:

Once a week you read one chapter of your partner's book and review it. 

In other words: 1 chapter/ 1 review / 1 week

However, you and your partner are free to define between yourselves different rules. You want to read two chapters per week? Great! Or is it too much? maybe one chapter every two weeks? Decide between you two according to your disposition.

Please, talk with your partner via pms.

3. Weekly reminder

Every Thursday night I'll post an update of new and ongoing Partners. New partnerships will be introduced and ongoing ones can use the update as a reminder to start their assignments.

4. Obligations to your partner

Even if the bookclub doesn't have a strike system, you will suffer the consequences if you don't follow the rules determined between you and your partner.

5. Starting the journey

Once you're matched with your partner, enter in contact so you two can decide how your assignments will work.  

The contact and how the partnership runs is totally up to you. Remember that the club only offers the connection and the rest is up to the members to talk, decide and inform each other the best way they can.

6. The end of a long travel

What happens once you and your partner review each other's last chapter? Please inform the admin that you two have finished your journey and are willing to find another partner or to stop/leave the club.

7. A very important point

The bookclub suggests that the partners must ask themselves a very important question every 3-5 chapters: Are you willing to continue? Give your partner's book a try, but if you're not feeling compelled to read their story, than maybe it is better to start anew with another person.

8. What if my partner doesn't complete their assignment of the week?

The bookclub suggests, in a case like this, that you wait for your partner to complete their part. Until then, don't read nor review their story. 

We don't want freeloaders that receive reviews and do nothing in retribution. This is not how a partnership should work.

9. Break of Partnership.

It can happen that your Partnership won't work. But don't worry! It is not the end of the world.

Members who are unsatisfied with their current partner can request me (through pm) "to abandon the ship" and be assigned a new one.

It is required to give a simple explanation as to why you are breaking, though there is no need to enter on much details if the case doesn't require it.

10. Possible cases of dissatisfaction with your partner.

- Your partner is absent for a long time

You suddenly lose contact with your partner without a previous warning of possible hiatus. Wait at least 3 weeks before requesting a new partner.

- Your partner isn't doing their part of the assignment. 

They are doing a lousy job or aren't doing it at all.  Again, wait at least 3 weeks before requesting a new partner. 

- You didn't identify with your partner's book

Taste sometimes simply doesn't match and it is okay if it happens. From time to time talk with your partner if you're enjoying the book and willing to continue.

- Rude behavior

There is no need to wait in cases of misbehavior and insults. You can request a new partner immediately.

11. Extreme cases will be banned

Unacceptable behavior or long periods of absence can lead to ban.

The Partnership BookclubWhere stories live. Discover now