Enter Grimm Cinder

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The door's opened as each team went inside, Derek looked around as Ruby had her Crescent Rose ready, the doors then close behind each team.

Ruby started walking as she had her Crescent Rose in it's gun form. "It's quiet.....way too quiet."

Derek looked around more wondering what was going to happen, as the lights in the room went out leaving it dark for Ruby but not dark for Derek thanks to his Faunus eyes, he then felt something grab is arm, assuming it was Ruby he turned his head in the direction of his right arm and saw it was Ruby holding onto him. "Ruby don't let go I'll try to find a light switch."

Ruby smiled as she held onto Derek's arm, seeing that she couldn't see what was going on she knew she could trust Derek on this.

Derek looked around the room scanning the area for a switch, he eventually finds one but heard something as he felt his ears twitch. "Ruby we're not alone....."

Ruby gulped nervously. "Wha-What do you mean Derek?"

Derek didn't answer as he looked around more for what the sound was, he then heard it again.  A Grimm growl mixed with a evil crackle, Derek flipped the switch as the room lights up again, making it easier for Ruby to see what was going on.

The room was empty as there was another door that leads somewhere, Ruby approaches the door and turns the knob. The door opened as it squeaked sending chills down both Ruby and Derek's spine.

"Found the door...." Ruby said. "But it leads into another dark room."

Derek looks and see's someone in that room, and walks past Ruby and then looks back at her. "Ruby stay here I have a bad feeling about this situation we have up ahead."

Ruby puffs her cheeks up and pouts. "Aw but Derek I'm your back up in case you get hurt."

Suddenly the other room lite up as the figure was gone again, Ruby looked at Derek who had a serious look on his face, she gulped again as she looked into the room.

"Ruby please stay here, I don't want you to get hurt." Derek said not looking at Ruby. "I wouldn't want Yang or the others to get on my case on why you were injured."

Ruby sighed. "Fine Derek, I'll stay here but just know once you're in danger I'll barge into the room and help, got it?"

Derek nods as he walked into the other room, the door then slams shut behind him as Ruby noticed that the door could easily be broken, by something heavy.


Once Derek got into the room, he heard the door slam behind him. "Damn it no way of getting that opened."

The figure was above him as it looked down at the Faunus ready to strike, as it then dropped from the ceiling and lands onto Derek as it growls and crackled.

Derek was taken by surprise at the sudden pounce by the unknown creature/person, as she struggled to push it off  of him he noticed the voice that was coming from it as he looked up to see Cinder. His eye's widen as he noticed that she was just like Emerald was part Grimm, he knew he had to take her out quick and get back to Ruby before more show up.

Grimm Cinder hissed and growled at him as she tried to bite him, she raised one of her claws and swipes it at Derek as it landed with a cut acrossed his face.

Derek kicked her off as he stood up feeling the stinging of the cut. "You Bitch!" He then ran towards her and punched her in the face.

Grimm Cinder took the hit like it was nothing and kicks Derek into the wall, she then creeps up to him and grabs him by the neck.

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