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Colby's POV

(A Few Days Later)

"So like, why do you like this park so much?" I ask Sam, walking ahead of him.

"Umm I don't really know, i just like the view of the river from the bridge, how it's peaceful and quiet because there isn't much to do here, I don't know. Just, it's nice." Sam smiles, as I look in his beautiful blue eyes.

I finally realize how the curve of Sam's lips formed the perfect lines and shape when he smiles, filling me with wonder and delight, holding my entire attention, and when I met his gaze, I felt drawn into his eyes. Never had I realized just how much his eyes caught the beauty of deep oceans glittering in the light of the moon. Cut just right, even the darkest of sapphire couldn't hold light to the electric fire that burned each rim and shimmered just under his glossy gaze. And his hair,  the flowing golden locks, mirroring the suns rays, pulled almost all to one side of his head. And how he talked, his brittle, appealing voice was like birds singing on a spring morning, seemed perfect. And


I was silent for a few moments, looking away from Sam, walking up the bridge, I stop, standing at the side, elbows on the rail, facing the river, yet looking down.

"A-are you okay?" Sam asks.

"Um, yeah.." I say.

"Are you sure?"



Sam had a confused look, "What's wrong?" He asks me.

"I'm afraid, Sam." I reply.

"...Of what?" Sam asks.

I took a deep breath, "I'm just gonna spill. Prepare yourself. When I was five years old my parents got in a car accident and unfortunately my dad passed away. My mom was heartbroken and fell into depression and started drinking. She went to bars every night and never came home until maybe two or three in the morning, even if the bar closed at midnight. She'd go with people she met and gambled, or went to their house to party. My mom lost custody of me and my brother Gage because of her problem and we were always driven to my grandmas when my mom left and she just forgot about us all the time. So I lived at my grandmas from that point on. We weren't allowed to see my mom anymore and that was really hard for me and Gage. We lost one of the last people who we had, my grandpa died before I was born, all my other family lives out of town, and me and gage were both bullied in school. We only had my grandma who is now around ninety years old. Gage is still living with her to support her." I said.
"I'm-- I'm sorry to hear that Colby," Sam says, "you have me, ill never leave you and I promise."
"But the thing is, my mom called me the other day. She said she's better now and she's trying to make me go back home and go to college. I told her no because I want to live in LA the rest of my life and achieve my dreams but she's trying to force me into it and I might not have a choice because my grandma is the one helping me pay for me to live here and I guess she's not doing too well right now. She's very sick in the hospital and they have to pay a bunch of medical bills or whatever. I was left alone once and don't want it to happen again." I said.

"I'm here with you along the way, I'll help you." Sam said.

"I don't wanna go back home and help watch after my grandma and be forced to work in an infamous music store where literally nobody actually goes to." I said.


20 minutes later, we started walking away from the bridge, down the long park paths.

Sam was walking a couple feet behind me.

"Are you okay now, you know, that you sorta let it out?" Sam asked.

"I...I think so." I say after mending my mind back together. And it was true, it was true, because even though I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, being pushed off by pressure and stress, it was okay because Sam was walking 2 feet behind me. Somehow that made everything seem a little bit perfect.

Sam kind of made me forget about everything bothering me, and it was lovely to briefly walk on air.

HEY YALL ! I'm so sorry it's been FOREVER since I last wrote on this story, and I keep saying I'm updating and this n that but I'm not sure if I can at the moment,, hopefully I can soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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