The first call

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Ring ring. Ring ring. The sound cut through the noisy ambience of Belle's Bakery. The bustling bakery was full of hungry customers wanting to buy the freshly baked goods on offer. It was at this time that Monique Earle sat at the till answering phones. 

"Hello, Belle's Bakery. We have sweet treats for sweet people. How can I help?"

"Hi, um I don't know how to say this but... I'm stuck up a tree. This is so embarrassing. "

"Right well,  what would you like me to do about that sir? This is a bakery not the fire and rescue service. Unless you want to order some baked goods, which I can recommend as they are delicious? We also have a deal on if that will tempt you? Buy one get one free? "

"No I'm fine thanks. Plus how would I collect them, I'm stuck up a tree unless you've forgotten. "

"We have a delivery service" Monique said helpfully

"I'm fine thanks"

"How did you even get stuck up a tree anyway? Can't you just climb down?"

"Well... These people were chasing me so I climbed a tree to escape . Now they've gone and I'm too scared to climb down. "


"Why what? "

"Why are you scared and why were they chasing you? Were they the police? Are you a criminal?"

"Woah calm down, one question at a time!"


"It's ok. To answer your question, I was scared because I have acrophobia. " It was a half truth. He did have acrophobia but he was also scared for an entirely different reason. The people chasing him had bullied him for a while but he wasn't going to tell a complete stranger that no matter how nice she was. She could have been a serial killer or someone pretending to be a young girl. No one else knew anyway, not even his parents or friends. They didn't need to know, he could deal with it on his own..

"You have what?"

"Acrophobia.  It's the fear of heights"


"Also, they weren't the police and I'm not a criminal. I don't know why they were chasing me" Another half truth. He knew it wasn't healthy to lie to people but until he knew more about his companion he wouldn't reveal anything about himself.

"Do you want me to call the fire and rescue people to help you out of the tree?"

"Yes please. I've changed my mind by the way."

"About what"

"The baked goods"

"Oh. Ok well what can I get you?"

"Do you do jalebi or gulab jamun?"

"Let me just check"


"Yes, we do"

"Can I have one of each then please?"

"Of course. Is there an address you want it delivered to or will you come and collect it?"

"Yeah, can you deliver it to 19 Boroughbridge Road please?"

"Sure, that'll be £1.00" 


"No problem. Now, I'm going to hang up and get someone to rescue you"

"Ok thanks"

"See you later tree boy"


Tree boy? What an awful nickname he thought. Oh well, at least he'd get rescued and have some amazing food to eat when he got home. He was comforted by that fact.

A/n: Hi guys. Welcome to my new story! I hope you liked the first chapter. Please vote and tell me what you think in the comments. I love seeing feedback even constructive criticism so if you have any of that please let me know. Thanks for reading.

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