Chapter 7

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Monique was back to visit Arun again, deciding to bring a book to read to him if he wanted her to. She had thought of bringing a board game but thought that would be a bit much. She also had a surprise for him. Yesterday she had spent part of her day baking a batch of  Apple Cinnamon muffins to bring him, in order to lift his spirits. She hoped he would like them. Almost as soon as she stepped through the door, she was ushered in to Arun's room to see him. She smiled, noticing that he had his eyes closed and was softly breathing. Asleep. "Perhaps I should come back later?" She said to the nurse quietly. The nurse nodded agreeing that that was the best option, however as they both went to leave Arun called out "Monique? Is that you?" She walked over to his bedside.

"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry I woke you. How are you feeling?"

"Better." He whispered 

"I'm glad" she said gently, reaching out to brush a curl of hair away from his face. "I hope you recover fully soon"

The nurse spoke up and both jumped at the sound of her voice, having forgotten she was there. "He should be able to leave today after we've run some tests." Monique smiled encouragingly at Arun with an expression of delight. The nurse left after that, sensing that the two friends wanted some private time. 

"I get to leave"he said happily

"I know. Would you like a muffin to celebrate? I made them especially for you. Apple and cinnamon, is that alright?"

"That sounds perfect. Thank you Monique, that's very kind of you" she grabbed the box that they were in and offered in to him. He took one, biting into the soft piece. They both laughed as crumbs fell from the cake onto the bed. The remaining crumbs stook to his face. "They're delicious" he said. 

"You've got crumbs just here" she said demonstrating on herself. He blushed and wiped them off. There was a knock at the door. 

" Come in " A beautiful woman who looked just like Arun walked in, clutching the hand of a man who must have been her husband and Arun's father.

"Arun darling" said the woman "What on earth have you done to yourself?" Her hazel eyes, the same as her son's glistened with tears.

"Nothing mum, I'm fine" 

"Well you're obviously not otherwise you wouldn't be here, in hospital. Don't lie to me Arun" Her voice rose as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Mum, it was nothing. They just managed to catch me that's all." 

" Who? Those boys? I'll kill them for doing this to my son. What about your arm? The person on the phone said something about your arm?" Monique noticed Arun pull his arm closer to his chest protectively. 

"Just a few cuts. I'm meant to be leaving today anyway. It's really thanks to Monique that I'm here, otherwise it could have been worse."

"Who's..." Eventually, Arun's mother turned and saw Monique, standing awkwardly at his bedside unsure what to say or do.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Monique " She said politely 

"You were the one who phoned the ambulance, yes?" She nodded

"Yes Mrs Kapoor"

"Well then, you can call me Anjeela and as you may have noticed, I am Arun's mother. This is my husband Amun." He sent her a friendly smile. 

"Nice to meet you" 

"Would either of you like a muffin? They're Apple and Cinnamon." They both nodded and commended her on her baking skills.

"We'd better get going. We need to tend to the shop. We'll see you soon Arun. It was nice to meet you Monique" Anjeela said 

"Bye mum. Bye dad" 

"They seem nice" he hummed in agreement, eyes beginning to close. "Are you tired? I can leave if you want?" 

He shook his head "Stay, please", so she did. He dropped off immediately without the aid of her book, into a peaceful slumber and she stayed just as he asked.

A/n: Hi everyone, so you've finally met Arun's parents. What did you think of them? Did you like them? Please vote and comment on this chapter as I love seeing you're thoughts on this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading

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