Chapter 1

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Lynsey Nesville had expected for her last day at Princeton Rose's Academy to be uneventful but memorable but by the way the day had been going, she had long given up on the uneventful part. Most children sitting outside the headmistress's office would swing their legs back and forth, fidget and jiggle but Lynsey would do no such thing. She was the picture of calm, her waxed legs crossed and still with here skirt in exactly the right place, her perfect hands and fingers rested still on an workbook and her face was calm and collected. Still.

Other children stared at her with curious looks but Lynsey really didn't care but still didn't appreciate people staring at her. It was rude and every time a child couldn't tear their eyes away, Lynsey gave them a glare with her signicture warning in it. To some children, these stares counted a bullying so Lynsey had often had to sit outside Miss Kimona's office. Her perfect composure hadn't taken that much practise anyway and besides, she usually had to wait at least twenty minutes to be called in. Adults, Lynsey knew, thought that if they made people wait, then they would seem important, respectable and honourable. Unfortunately for them, it just made children irritable towards that adult and annoyed.

Lynsey decided to replay the morning in her mind again. As she had pulled up in her dad's car (whilst Bernard silently opened the car's boot automatically) Lynsey had noticed that the clusters of children that seemed to be permanently chatting in front of the school look up and throw dirty looks towards the car. More jealous brats again, Lynsey thought with disgust swirling in her mind. Henry (her dad) was one of the wealthiest buisnessman in the UK and he owned a huge mansion but there was no reason for those with less fortune should go complain to their parents about how pathetic their job was.

Sighing, Lynsey opened the door smoothly collected her Oasis Lily bag onto her shoulder and stretched her tanned legs out the door before putting her weight onto her slightly raised heel shoes. Even as she raised herself out the car, Lynsey could feel more eyes starting to follow her. Walking around to the back of the car, Lynsey wondered absently if she was going to see Rosa today. In the boot she found the collection of chocolates that she had brought for classmates and teachers.

"Hey, look who it is. The brat with the rich dad. I wonder if you took her away from her Daddy would she cry like the little baby she is".

Lynsey looked over to see Rosa with her stringy rich brown hair in an attempt at curls. Lynsey kept her face blank as she said "I'd hoped for a day without you're commenting but" Lynsey flashed Rosa a bored look " you know, whatever".

Sauntering away, Lynsey spotted a cluster of girls, some with their hair dip dyed and all with beautiful bags and jewellery. "Hey girls! What's happening today?" she asked casually. All the girls turned. "OMG Lynsey!" they squealed and hugs came down like a hail onto Lynsey. "Woah, watch the hair. It took me two hours to do it!" she exclaimed as someone's hand touched her hair accidently. "OMG Lynsey! I can't believe it's your last day. It's not fair! Where are you moving to?" asked a girl with purple dyed hair.

"I have no idea. My parents said it was somewhere far though but wherever it is, it can't be any different from the last eight schools that I've been too". For this sentence, Lynsey put on a casual look mixed with a bit of boredom. "And anyway, I've still got to survive today. If Rosa attempts anything, I'll make my last school act to humiliate in front of the whole year. And maybe more"

It was Chemistry when Rosa acted but Lynsey had been expecting it. The class had been mixing chemicals and when Rosa saw Lynsey talk to the teacher, she had quickly swapped one of her chemical bottles for another. Lynsey listened as Olivia, who had been on lookout, told her. As Rosa went up to the teacher to give on her late homework, Lynsey quickly found the chemicals back. This, she thought, is going to be fun. Rosa came back and started to swirl her chemicals together in a dish. Lynsey watched, anticipation building up. Nothing happened for several seconds before "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Rosa screamed. Everyone in the lab turned towards her and saw the liquids eat up the rest of the basin before starting work on the table.

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