Chapter 6

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  Lynsey opened a blurry eye that felt sticky and unwilling to open. Beautiful golden rays of sunlight shone through her windows casting light around her room in a warm buttery light.

  She still didn’t want to get up but then, she didn’t have to. It was a Saturday. “Yessssssss!” Lynsey said as she found the energy in her to punch the air.

  Then the sadness from yesterday came flooding back. Looking at her phone she saw a text from Sarah. Love you Honey. Love you so much. Night.

  She started crying again, rocking back and forth with her head between her hands. A repeat of last night.

  She checked her watch through still wet eyes. She had been crying for more than fifteen minutes and breakfast time had ended. Lynsey was aware of how  empty her stomach felt and how it gurgled. She checked her watch again and felt like weeping again.

  Four and a half hours until lunch but even then there were the lunch arrangements that set certain times for year groups to go into lunch. Lynsey groaned and climbed out of her pyjamas and changed into  turquoise vest top with a pink hoodie over the top (it was freezing as Autumn was now turning into winter) and a pair of jeans.

  Crossing her room, she went to the small bathroom where she washed her face and brushed her teeth. There was a bitter taste in her mouth and she wanted it rid of as soon as possible.

  Returning to the main part of her bedroom, Lynsey found her pink school bag and rifled through it, trying to find her planner. Where was it? She checked the pockets. Still nothing.

 Giving up on her bag, she put it down and scanned her room. There! Lying on the desk and almost smiling was her planner. It seemed to be saying "You called?".

  Lynsey grabbed it, turning it to the week to date. A quick check told her she only had one homework. "Yes!" Lynsey punched the air. Then she saw the description of a project. "Dammit".

 Down  in the combat room there were a lot of people. Saturday morning was a popular time for training.

  There was one person she wanted to find though. Vivenne's eyes gave a quick sweep of the room. Nope, she hadn't come to practise this morning so far.

  "What the hell was that for?" Someone yelled. The rest of the room quietened almost instantly as a fourth year stood with his clenched fists up in a boxing poise faced another boy. Why are boys such idiots? Vivenne thought.

  "What are you talking about?" another boy replied in a defensive tone. A crowd had gathered around the two, hoping for a fight. Vivenne felt herself  cursing in her head. She was sick of this.

  It was just her luck that she had been put on duty in the busiest slot on a day in which everyone's temper was guaranteed to be higher than usual.

  In the middle of the crowd she could her the boys growing angrier and angrier. As Vivenne started to shove through the crowd, they started to fight.

  It was a plain fist fight without weapons and looked pretty even at first. The boy with brown hair gave a quick jab with his arm aimed for blond's ribs but blond caught it and pulled the other boy roughly towards him. Then blond gave a punch that landed right on the brown's stomach who doubled over. Ouch.

  Vivenne tore her eyes away and kept pushing through the crowd. Many had agitated faces when she shoved fiercely past them before they realised who she was and stared to make for her.

  Finally, she reached the fight. The blond was winning but the brown had determined expression that told Vi that he wasn't going to give up easily. Leering at him was the blond with a leisurely expression on. Vivenne recognised him as Nathaniel Morgan and the brown haired as Thomas Baxter.

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