Chapter 8

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Lynsey was terrified. She had never been as terrified in her life as she was now. There were werewolves in the room with her and she didn't want to get within a metre of one after seeing the fight with Zoe and Vivenne. The only other feeling other than fear she felt was anger. She had trusted Matt to be her friend as he took her back to the school but he had silently been plotting in his in how to get her into the wolf's lair. Literally.

He was now standing by the door with a blank look that was extremely irritating. Even when she had challenged him about trusting him and then he trapping her, his face hadn't displayed the slightest emotion. At the other end of the room was Vivenne who was almost the opposite. She was wearing olive green trousers with cargo pants style pockets. She wore a plain white shirt and the bottom few buttons had been tied up into a bow. The colours went well, Lynsey mused, but who wears shirts out of school? Even if they look pretty cool in the outfit.

Lynsey was standing in the middle of the room but her brain quickly told her that a place where she could she all the werewolves at once would be best. Actually, she didn't know they were all werewolves but it was obvious that they knew of werewolves or they were werewolves. She moved so her back touched the wall and checked for all the werewolves. Matt, Ireth, Claire and Vivenne were the only ones she knew but there were three other people in the room.

Two were obviously twins with their golden blond hair with sky blue eyes. They looked incredibly cute as they flashed her two grins. "I don't mind staying for this" the one on the left said. Vivenne rolled her eyes.

"Hey. We've met before" said the one on the right. His twin looked ridiculously envious at him.

"We have?" Lynsey asked with puzzlement in her voice. The twin on the left, the one who had looked envious, turned to grin at his brother.

"She doesn't remember you! Too bad, I guess you're just too unnoticeable" he crowed.

His brother glared at him before looking back at Lynsey. "I saw you when you were in here with Vivenne and the Head. Remember now?"

"Errrrrr" Lynsey thought back to her first day. "Yeah. I remember" but truthfully, she didn't. Then she saw the blond hair on the boy's head and then remembered. "Oh yeah! You came in for a few seconds"

The boy looked pleased and gave a smirk to his brother. "See, I told you-"

He was cut off by the girl with silvery white blonde hair. "Shut up you two" she snapped. "Shut up and we might be able to tell Lynsey what's going on. She's freaking out, possibly going into shock and if you don't shut it, I'll knock you out by one of your nerve clusters"

The twins, unsurprisingly, shut up. The girl seemed to have a brisk air around her that seemed to say "Stop wasting my time and get moving. I don't have all day. I got things to do and people to see". It reminded Lynsey of herself. The girl with the silvery hair turned to Lynsey.

"How much do you know?" she asked, showing more briskness in her voice. Lynsey didn't know how to respond. Then:

"Zoe McQueen is a werewolf who tried to kill me and she" Lynsey pointed at Vivenne who was off in her mind far away "is a werewolf too". Even to her own voice she sounded like a tiny and ignorant little toddler.

"It's rude to point and stare" Vivenne noted, her voice distant. Lynsey wondered what was going on in that werewolf mind. Was she thinking about how Lynsey had found out? Was she going to kill her to protect her secret? Lynsey stared at Vivenne, pondering this, studying those hazel eyes. They seemed to be sort of greyish today. Okay, the silver werewolf girl had eyes changed colour slightly. What the Hell. Hardly as extraordinary as finding werewolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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