Rekindling Old Flames

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"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations." -Unknown

It was the next day in the city of Los Angeles. Everyone had left the meeting without saying a word. Thinking about how their life was going to change again. Perhaps for the better or for the worst.

But that's the thing about life. Changes occur every second, minute, hour, and definitely everyday. One day you could be having the best day of your life. And then the next day could be the complete opposite. The girls of Fifth Harmony had caught on to that quickly in the early stages of their career.


As usual, the girls of Fifth Harmony were practicing their choreography for their upcoming Reflection summer tour. The girls were proud of how they were doing, but things weren't going quite as everyone expected. Or at least not how the fans expected it.

Fifth Harmony's choreographer, Sean Bankhead sighed in exasperation. Just like all their previous rehearsals, the girls just weren't getting along and it was affecting their performance.

All the girls were in position to perform Worth it when Dinah suddenly started to complain about her choreography.

"I don't think I can handle these moves while singing my verse. Either the dance moves are going to be crappy or I'm going to sound horrible."

"Oh Dinah shut the hell up. At least you have a part in our hit song. Quit whining and suck it up. You're a professional singer. Act like it." Lauren said rolling her eyes.

"Don't talk to her like that. It's not her fault you didn't get a part." Camila quickly shot back.

"Oh little miss soloist, I know you can't be talking. At this point, why don't you sing the whole damn song with your squeaky ass chipmunk voice." Normani said as she came to Lauren's defense. "As a matter of fact take the whole damn album. We should be called Camila and the Harmonies since they like giving you all the solos."

"Enough!" Sean yelled. "Your fans paid good ass money to see you perform, now quite fighting and get this choreography down."

"I don't wanna perform with a cheater on stage."

"Or a racist."

"Are you fucking serious?!"

Suddenly all the girls were arguing. Normani and Lauren both got right in Camila's face while Dinah came to her defense. Ally, being the mother of the group, tried to stop them from arguing, but ended up getting yelled at. She sighed in defeat and walked over to the corner to stop her tears from spilling out her eyes.

It wasn't always as perfect as they made it seem, thought Ally.


All the girls had been set up to meet at the café so that they can work their differences out. However, that didn't quite go as planned.

All the girls sat at their table in silence. All you could hear was the chatter of the other customers and workers. They refused to talked to each other.

But Camila was determined. She wanted to fix all of this and have her best friends back. Maybe even have her girlfriend back.

"So how's everything going with you guys?" Camila said in excitement.

Everyone remained quiet.

"Tough crowd, eh?" Camila said as her voice faltered. She sighed and directed her attention to the easiest target. The one she had the least bad blood with.

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