The Storm After The Calm

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"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." -TAT

All the girls gathered together around the bonfire after their emotional moment. They laughed and shared memories just like the X-Factor days.

By the time midnight rolled in, each girl passed out to the calm sound of the ocean.


The trip to Havana had been a while ago, and all the girls were preparing for the VMAs. Ally prepared with guilt because she knew how much drama their performance would cause. However, the girls were determined to share their side of the story through a creative way.

Camila prepared to go to the airport this morning when she found out her dog died. It was saddening. She almost felt like crying, but she knew better than to. She decided she would stay home, because the dogs death not only impacted her, but it impacted her sister.

Soon the night rolled in and it was time for the VMAs. She sent an email to her team saying she wouldn't be able to attend. She laughed at the jokes and stood up and clapped for the winners like she was actually there. Then Fifth Harmony's performance came. She was eager to see it. She thought after their trip, things would've changed. She thought they could have a chance at being sisters again, maybe even more with Lauren.

But boy, she thought wrong.

The music started and she recognized the fifth member on the stage. The first thought that popped into her head is that she had been replaced. Then the member fell back from the stage as Normani sung the first line to Angel.

She then realized it had been her leaving the group. It shouldn't have hurt, but it did. It was the truth. She did bounce. But still, tears leaked from the corner of her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, and continued to watch the performance so that she wouldn't draw attention to herself.

As the show came to a close, Camila's head had been filled with many thoughts. She felt a sense of betrayal. She honestly couldn't understand why. She excused herself away to her bedroom and sat down on her bed. She didn't even think to check Twitter, knowing the fans would be going back and forth. Suddenly, her phone pinged.

AllyBear: I'm sorry.

Camila sighed at the text knowing they didn't have control over their actions. She then got curious because of couldn't have been managements doing, seeing as they wanted them to get along and be a family. It then dawned on her, the trip was a one time thing and their connection wouldn't be happening again.

"Well," Camila sighed. "I guess Ally's last wish won't be coming true anytime soon."

She fell asleep to that thought.


Camila cried as she looked at the small object that she held at the tip of her fingers. The small object that was life-changing. She couldn't believe her eyes.

If she wasn't considered a slut then, she definitely would be now. Her first thought was an abortion. Yes, it seemed wrong, but she couldn't live with this thing. Especially if the blood that ran in its veins belonged to a monster.

She slowly placed the stick down next to the other five as she backed away from the bathroom counter and into her room. Lauren would hate her. The girls wouldn't dare to look at her. Her family would disown her. And management would surely drop her for such a careless act.

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