Too Close To Home

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A couple of months had passed and Fifth Harmony's album was released. As soon as it came out, it shot up to the top 10's and 1's in over 50 different countries. They were happy that their album was a success. All of their hard work had paid off, but they couldn't rest just yet, they had a tour to pull off.

Sadly, Dinah was already getting ready for rehab. She still had crazy thoughts and insecurities about herself, but everyone took caution and had her monitored 24/7. At first, Dinah didn't like everyone babying her, but she realized it was for her own good.

Camila called the girls -well not specifically Ally- to wish them a good luck on the tour. Dinah and Camila were slowly warming up to each other. Camila called last week to check up on Dinah and wish her a good luck at rehab. It was better than them hating each other.

It was the week before tour, Dinah stood around looking at her bedroom for the last time until her treatment was over. She wanted to cry, scream, shout, and fight because she'd be away from her family and friends for so long. She grabbed her small, travel size bag in her hands and walked out of the room closing the door gently. She walked outside of her Mom's house to see everyone staring at her with teary eyes.

Dinah willed herself to be strong, not only for herself, but for her girls and her family. She gave a shaky smile and sighed as she fought back the tears that were close to dropping.

She took slow steps to everyone as the gave her encouragement speeches and stated how much they'd miss her. She really wanted to cry when she saw her younger siblings crying.

Be strong, she told herself.

Eventually, Dinah stepped into her Mom's family sized van as her Dad loaded the car. Her mom and dad got in the car and started it. She waved a goodbye to everyone that was her support system. As soon as the van turned the corner, she allowed the tears to flow.

Andy's Rehabilitation Center, Dinah said in her head two hours later after they arrived. The two-story building was in the middle of a forest. It looked as if it would have been for a Senior's home center, but Dinah wasn't complaining. It looked homey, not like what Dinah imagined and read about on the internet.

It only took another 30 minutes for the check-in process. Soon enough, Dinah was waving goodbye to her parents and for the second time today, she let a tear slide down her face. She sucked it up and turned to the nurse waiting patiently for her by the desk.

I guess this is home now.


"Sir, Miss Hansen just entered rehab. She has been eliminated for now."

"Ok so we only have four girls left to separate?"

"Yes sir, but Miss Cabello is very persistent about getting them close together."

"I have a plan for that D."

" when do we officially eliminate..."

"I'm giving Mr. Cowell a dead line. If he doesn't meet it, he can say goodbye to one of his precious members of Fifth Harmony."

"Sir, are you sure you want to go through with this? We can possibly be caught and then it will be over."

"Yes I will go through with this. Are you doubting my skills D? You can choose to walk out of this room right now D, however, you will not be under my protection when it comes back to bite you in ass."

The man that stood off the shoulder of the older man, that was dressed in black with a vendetta mask on knew better. He knew as soon as he thought to walk out of the door his life would be taken just like that.

"No sir, I don't doubt you. I'd be a very stupid man to choose to walk out the door."

The end of the older man's lips quirked up.

"Indeed you would D. Now we have a few calls to make. If we're going to do this, we need to plan this thoroughly and I know a couple people who'd be willing to help."


The three girls remained bowed to their crowd. They had just finished their concert in Mexico. They felt sad that their best friend wasn't next to them to see the crowd and enjoy the tour but as their managers said, the show must go on.
The girls weren't happy however. Of course the album made them feel accomplished, but their reign was coming to the end. Two members were already gone and one was on the brink of death. It was then Lauren decided, she wasn't going to do this anymore.

"I'm not signing the next contract that rolls around."

Normani and Ally's head whipped around. Adrenaline coursed through their veins. Ally wore a sympathetic smile because she understood. Normani, however, was panicking.

"Wait, woah woah woah. Lauren this is our dream. You can't abandon our dream."

"Your dream was abandoned the day we signed that contract after X-Factor. Mani, this isn't my dream anymore. I want to see my family. I want to go to college. I want to tell all the Donald Trump supporters to go fuck themselves. I want to tell the children that it's ok to be theirselves no matter their sexuality, race, or gender. That is my dream, not whatever this is."

Normani was frozen, she didn't know what she'd do after this. However, Lauren wasn't done.

"We're like literal slaves. Like literal slaves guys! We work so hard just to see nothing at the end and I'm done. Done."

"What am I going to do after this?" Normani whispered. She was scared, everything was coming crashing down. She needed the money.

"Normani this isn't even you passion. Your first love is dance and anyone would be stupid to not help you pursue that."

Normani nodded, but deep down it wasn't only just about losing her title. It was about slowly watching her family die right before her eyes. But she just nodded and tightly smiled. She had to think of something, and she had to think of something fast.

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