Chapter 9

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I was just waiting for him patiently to send me a text and it was 11.50 and I was just going through Twitter and it had already blown up. I now had 500 k followers and before it was only 670 something. Damnn these boys are really fucking famous I thought to myself. I got hate but honestly I tried my best to not let it get to me.

Suddenly a beep from my phone broke me out of my thoughts. I looked at my phone and a smile creeped its way on to my face. It was from harry.

From: Harry

Harry: Heyy meet me in the hotel lobby now?

me: Yea sure cya soon

Harry: cool

I quickly walked out the door and waited very impatiently for the elavator. Soon I hopped in pressed L and waited. Since we were on the 34th floor it took a while. Soon enough I reached the lobby and saw that harry was wearing his signature outfit. Black skinny jeans, Black t-shirt and black boots. He looked so hot.

"You look gorgeous love" he complinmented my outfit and I blushed.


"You look adorable when you blush" he smiles.

"Thanks again" I laugh.

I'm wearing a beige crop top with black shorts and a blue and black plaid thick cardigan/ jacket with regular boots that I was wearing at the airport.

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(A/N: outfit attached ^^)

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(A/N: outfit attached ^^)

"So harry what are we doing for our little midnight snack hangout?" I asked him

"I would say that we're going somewhere and say its surpirse for the date and then decide to whatever that comes in mind but Im going to ask you...what do you want to do?"

Did he just say date? HOLY FUCK he just said date. OH. MY. FUCK. I AM ON A DATE WITH THE HARRY STYLES. IM SO HAPPYYYY. But he doesn't need to know that. Imma play cool.

"Honestly I don't mind as long as its not gonna too filling cuz I just finised this gaint coffee that Beth made me drink cuz she didn't want me to fall asleep on this date" I laughed.

He smiled and started to think of what to do I guess. We were just walking and he looked up in front of him and then turned to me.

"How about an ice cream parlour?"

"What kind of Ice cream parlour is open at 12.30 harry?"

"That one!!" he says pointing to this really cute ice cream shop.

"Sure I want Fro Yo tho!"

"Yea sure as long as I can have some of yours?" He said and asked at the same time.

"We'll see bout that hazza" I said and he laughed.

Soon enough we got our ice cream and Fro yo. I got Vanilla, chocolate and coffee fro yo and he got mint chocolate chip ice cream. When we were done I wanted to pay but he insisted earning him an eye roll from me.

For the rest of the night we had a pretty great time. We just walked around and stuff and learnt a lot about each other's families and stuff.

"So you said you lived with your mum right?" he asked

"Yea why?" I was pretty confused and wanted to know where this question led to.

"Where's your dad then?" With that I froze and all those memories came flooding back in my mind and my breathing got heavier.

"Erin are you okay?" Harry asked very concerned. I shook my head no and my vision was blurry. Knowing that my eyes were very glossy I ddin't want to cry, I didn't closed my eyes in fear of the tears that will come out and clunched my fists together to prevent myself from crying but as soon as I blinked a tear rolled down betraying me. Harry noticed and was very concerned.

"I am so sorry I didn't know, you don't have to tell me but I am always here for you alright?" He asked earning a nod from me. Then he opened his arms out and I gladly walked in for comfort.

He hugged me and let me cry on his shoulders for atleast another 15 minutes. When my eyes had finally dried out I looked up at him and he was very worried. Because of my tears his shirt was soaking wet.

"I am so sorry about your shirt and crying and ruining this date"

"Honestly this is the best date I have ever been on, trust me" he smiles.

Then it got me thinking, crying about my dad genuinly made me feel better so then maybe telling harry what happened woud let me vent my emotions out and I feel like I can actually trust him cuz ever since Ben I haven't felt this sort of connection with any boy ever.

By now we were just walking back towards the hotel with him by my side occasionally looking at me to just check on me I guess.



"I want to tell you about my dad"


Aww its so cute when a guy lets you cry on his shoulder. if you guys are wondering why they didn't go on an actual date like a fance dinner with formal wear and stuff. Its just Im trying my best to move away from the cliche first date like that to something more my style and casual. But they would have other dates in this story that is fancy and romantic and stuff.

Anywayss hope you liked this chapter!

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