I Still Love You Pt2

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I hope frank doesn't hate me. I don't understand! Why does he love someone like me? I'm not important. I'm just a stupid nobody. Maybe I'm just better not talking to him and just looking at his videos like the way itagain. I miss the way it was before everything bad happened. Before my last relationship, before I met frank, before I was a teen. I miss the days back when I was innocent and was a small kid who didn't care about what was happening and just had fun. I miss the good memories but that's over......everything good comes to an end. I need to fix this.....not for me but for him. I love him, I want to be with him, I want to make him happy....no.....I NEED to make him happy.

----Time skip to Frank's house----

I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. When he opened it he had tears running down his face and sadness in his eyes. I did this..... I made him cry, I made him hurt, if I did this to him why does he love me. I can't be with him if I keep hurting him! "Frank!" I hug him and he hugs me back "Y-YN?" "Yes?" "please don't ever leave me again, please I need you, I love you" "I won't I love you too frank its just-" I cut myself off then start crying "its just what?" "Its j-just I d-dont wanna h-hurt y-you again." "You won't hurt me, as long as you stay....Y/N?" "Yes??" "Promise me you will stay, I need you" "I promise I'll stay with you frank, I love you"

(The story may be coming to an end :( but I'm thinking of making it to at least 30 chapters or more so there will most likely be a lot anywaysming cause I'm not ready to end this especially not here oh and by the way CLIFFHANGER *deep voiced evil laughing for to long that my voice hurts* ahem...so anywase luv you all Peace!)

love at first vid: CrankThatFrank X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now