Maybe Later

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(WE HAVE FREAKING OVER 1K VEIWS MOTHAFUKA!!!!!!! thank you guys and girls soooooooo much❤ love you all!)

He hasn't texted me since I said that to him......he probably hates me now.  I'm gonna text him one last time.

Frank.....I'm sorry

I didn't mean it I was just angry and I would much rather be with you I really miss you and I love you.

I'm sorry

I wish I didn't say that. I didn't mean it. I love him and I wanna be with him. I really do miss him. I still have my fans.....they'll help me get through this.....I hope. I got a text but from who?

Its okay I guess....

"Its okay I guess"? That's all? Does he forgive me does he hate me? UGH!

Do you hate me?

NO NEVER! DON'T EVER THINK THAT! I will always love you and I miss you too but........can you stay there for only a week or two? I need to have some time alone.

Yeah I guess so. Well bye!


Wow! He doesn't want me back! I knew it! Oh well! I'll just stay in my room cause I am now of officially afraid of my mom cause she keeps hurting me! What a amazing day!

(Hey guys! Sorry for the late and short chapter I'm just a little busy! I have a idea! How would you guys like me to write a HORROR STORY OOOOOO! Its just a thought! I'm also working on a Ronnie radke imagines book! (Thx Rydenisreallll for the suggestion)

love at first vid: CrankThatFrank X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now