Date Time!

122 4 182

So your lucky man/girl invited you on a date. You were delighted to go on this date but it was a surprise. They told you to wear something casual/formal/outdoorsy.

He took you to a five star restaurant in Gotham. The press were snapping shots of you two.

He took you to a circus. Haly's circus, to be precise. He wanted you to try the trapeze with him.

He took you to a rock music festival. You liked some of the bands.

A picnic. He liked sweet things such as this. It was a night, on top of a hill. Some may say it's romantic.

Dami took you  to a restaurant. Again, the media and fangirls followed him but there were bodyguards.

A midnight walk in the forest area. It was sweet and calm. The perfect weath too.

Luke took you to a technology convention. Tim was too busy working on a case so he saw this as an opportunity to take you on a date.

Alfred took you on a walk, leading to a picnic. He liked to be old-fashioned and classy.

She took you to a GCPD event. She couldnt thimk of anywhere else to take you.

She took you to a comic convention. She dressed up as (your cosplay's lover) whilst you dressed up as (your cosplay character).

She took you to the beach. Mainly so she can see your shirt off but to relax with you.

She took you to a club. She was undercover so she brought you, hoping that you'll make her smile.

What they didnt know was that two detectives were spying on them the whole night.

Open rps. They are individual rps.

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