Chapter 23••Stars

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||WORD COUNT: 1032||

Ashton's POV:

"Well if they weren't awake before, they probably are now so should we just go down and face them?" I suggest after lying there for an hour.

"What if we woke them up. My brother probably heard us. Oh my god." She stresses while rubbing her face.

"Well let's just go down and see. Besides, they'd sleep through an apocalypse, I think we're fine." I grin.

"Whatever." She mumbles and gets up and I watch her as she walks to her closet.

She comes out wearing my sweater again and some sweatpants, and we both walk out, with me clad in my pants from last night. I take her hand and we walk downstairs to the kitchen and find a note on the fridge.

"We woke up when we heard you two were fighting so we went out for breakfast. Hope everything's okay.-Cal" I read it aloud.

"Thank god." She giggles, hopping up onto the island.

"No one knows that I fucked you senseless baby girl." I smirk standing between her legs and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Oh my god." She turned a deep shade of pink. I smile and kiss her lips before I turn to make two cups of coffee.

"Did-did you really mean everything you said in that letter?" She stutters; breaking the silence. I put down the coffee mug that I was taking from the cupboard and hang me head a little.

"Yeah I did. Every word." I look over at her under my arm. She's looking at her knees, eyebrows together in thought.


"What?" I scoff.

"Why? Why did you choose me? Why did you tell me now. Just-why?"

"Because. Since the day I met you, way back when- I knew that there was something about you that I just couldn't get enough of. You did something to me that has had me hooked from day one. When we were 5, and your friends dared us to kiss at recess, I was the happiest and most excited boy in the entire world. When we were 12, and we went to the movies, and I held your hand for the first time, I never wanted to let go and your touch has been all that I've craved since. When we were 15, and you didn't feel good about yourself, and wanted to do bad things to yourself, I made it my number one priority to make sure that you felt loved and safe until you finally figured it out for yourself. I love you Cailea. I have and I always will. It's always been you." I rant.

I hated seeing her like this, questioning everything and getting down on herself.

"And I told you now because I decided that enough was enough. You deserved to know. But look where it got us? We're here, happily together. I love you Cailea."

"I love you Ashy. Thank you." She says before kissing me deeply.

"So. What do you say we get dressed and go do something. It's too nice to stay inside today."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm gonna go shower."

"Mind if I join?" I smile.

"Not at all." She bites her lip before turning to walk up the stairs.


Cailea's POV:

After getting out of the shower, Ashton and I had decided that we would just go down to the beach and hang out for a while.

As we're walking hand in hand barefoot by the water, (cliché, I know) I stopped when I saw a starfish sitting on a nearby rock, as the waves crashed up against it. I immediately let go of Ashton's hand-much to his surprise- and run over to it.

"Ashton look! This is so cool." I exclaim earning looks from the few people that are around. In case you couldn't tell, I really love starfish.

"Wow that's really interesting." He chuckles.

"Wow. Don't sound too excited." I joke.

"WOAH OMG LIKE-THAT IS SOO KEWEL" He waved his hands all over, mocked me.

"I hate you." I stick my tongue out while pulling my phone out of my pocket to take a couple pictures.

"Are you done? I'm hungry." He bugged.

"Yeah I am too. Where do you want to go?" I rose from my squatted position, walking back over to him and taking his hand.

"Well we can go for Chinese, Chipotle, burgers and fries, sushi-"

"Oohh sushi. Definitely sushi." I nod my head vigorously.

"Sushi it is. There's one down the road. We can bring it back here and sit on the picnic tables?" I nod in response.

As we neared the edge of the beach where the sand met the road, my feet started to get hot and tired from walking in the sand.

"Ashyyy." Is all I say as I start to slpw down. When he looks back at me, I pout up at him.

"Seriously?" I nod.

"Oh my lord. You really are something." He chuckled before squatting, waiting for me to hop on his back.

As I begin to say something, he cuts me off saying

"If you say onward peasant to me again, I will make you walk."

"I was going to say thank you but now that you mention it..." He turns his head to look at me and I give him a wide smile. I lean my head over and give him a quick kiss before pointing my finger and yelling out


//:Welp. That's what we've got for today. Sorry it's kinda short but I hope you liked it! Stay tuned for the contest details. In order for the info to be released, we need to get thelast chapter to 25 views so share it around! You guys will like it I promise.

Thank you for reading and all that jazz. Don't forget to like and comment ur fave parts or some ides etc.

"That's it for this vlog guys. Thanks for watching *insert name here*. Make sure you like and subscribe, tweet me at ***** ******. Anything else to add Liza?"

If you know what that's from⤴, Ily with all of my heart.


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