Chapter Three: Megan

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It was day one of our "Columbus Expedition" and our first task was to find the nearest Target. I had a twenty one pilots and a Panic! At the Disco poster and Amelia insisted that I accessorize my dorm. We were able to find one on the outskirts of the city. We wandered a little bit and found a couple cheep pillows and picture frames.

We were about an hour into our small shopping spree when Amelia yanked on my arm and pulled me down a random isle of  kitchen wear. "Megan. Don't look now, but I'm 99% sure I just saw Josh Dun."

"Yeah right. I doubt it Amelia," I replied looking around trying to find something of use in the isle I was pulled into.

"You can go see for yourself," she said angrily and then pushed me into the main hallway of the Target. I ran into someone who was stiff, muscular,
and easily five inches taller than my short 5 foot, 3. I looked up to find a familiar face draped with faded red hair swept in front of his eyes and a sterling silver nose ring. He was wearing a black baseball cap backwards with a lose t-shirt and a pair of fade black skinny jeans.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed. I stood there for a second looking into his deep, dark chocolate eyes until I felt my face slowly boil. "I mean, oh wow... I mean..." I suddenly took a giant leap backwards as if I was suddenly scared and looked at Amelia who was laughing in the kitchen wear isle. "Hi, I'm sorry, I'm Megan, and I love your music," shit, too straight forward, I thought, "I mean it's good and all and I think that you and Tyler..." Oh my god I'm a creep! "...make really good music, I'm sorry, that was weird..." the last word trailing off into an abyss of disbelief. 

I had ran into the drummer of twenty one pilots I didn't know what to do and I freaked out. I bombarded him with questions about Tour, and if I could get a picture with him. During all of this Amelia was holding onto the shelf of the isle laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. Josh agreed to a picture, and I continued to ramble. "...okay this is weird, and I don't expect you to remember..." I began, "...a friend of mine ran into you once at Disneyland and you talked to her about me. I know that's weird, but that was the best day of my life, till today, obviously, and I'm just... wow."

I rambled on about how they saved my life and how I loved their music, until I realized I had kept him waiting for about five minutes. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, you were shopping, or something, I'll let you keep doing that. Umm... Thank you! Thank you for playing music. I really appreciate it," he laughed and then continued on his way doing whatever Josh Dun does at Target.

"You, my friend, were a hot fucking mess!" Amelia exclaimed while continuing to laugh at full throttle.


Later that afternoon we ended up buying coffee at Starbucks and purchasing some tickets to the twenty one pilots show later that week. It was expensive, and we were very lucky that we could get any tickets at all. We decided to go and wait in line a day early so that we could manage to get good spots in the pit.


It was 10:00pm and I was finishing unpacking the last minute things from my suitcase. I still had a few boxes coming later via snail-mail and I was trying to figure out how to organize my half of the dorm. I sat in my bed, and then the next thing I knew the blinding Ohio sun was shining through the small window above my bed.

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