Author's Note

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The beginning of this story may or may not be slightly confusing. It switches back and forth between the main character, Megan, and Josh's point of view. I did this in the beginning to help the reader get used to the constant switches, but it isn't actually a consistent switch between the two I'm characters. I might end up writing chapters from the view of Tyler, or Amelia (other characters in the story). The switching is constant but the character order is not (if that makes sense).

In the beginning there appear to be a lot of filler chapters from Josh's POV in order to continue with the switches and to show some of the traits I chose to develop in his character. Most of his chapters are short in the beginning, but throughout the story they will grow longer.

This story takes place in an Alternative Universe (AU) as you may have been able to guess. There are traits and events that I switched and changed from real life in order to fit the plot of my story.

That is it. I hope you enjoy "Across the USA"!

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