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After Jimin was done unpacking he sat on his bed Looking at other boy

"S-so... Your name is Yoongi?" Jimin asked shyly

"Yea, how do you know?"

Uhhh... Omg... His.. Voice.... Jimin thought

"W-well... J-Jungkook told me.." Jimin fake smiled cus he was scared of what will Yoongi say next

"Jungkook? Oh yea probably because you have to share room with me" He rolled his eyes

"Y-yea... Heh"-

"Uhhh okay.. I'm going to take a shower, so don't bother" Jimin nodded

Yoongi took a towel and went in the bathroom

Jimin layed on his bed and took the phone from his pocket

Scrolling through instagram

Suddenly he got a message request from

Jungkookie_  hmm?



Jungkookie_:Yes! It's me friend :D

How did you find my instagram?:

Jungkookie_:Pretty easy I searched your name
And.... Yeee it wasn't easy but anyways
Wanna come to my room? My roommate is out now !:D

Who's your roommate?:

Jungkookie_: It's actually.. NamJoon... Sigh.. Come to my room I need to tell you some things.. To get to know me :)

Ookay?I'll be there in 10minutes:

Jungkookie_: Okay cya

Jimin stood up and put phone back in his pocket

Jimin was about to knock to tell Yoongi when he suddenly opened the doors

Jimin's eyes we're widened

"Y-Yoongi.. ...I-.... A-"-

Omg.. God help me please.. I can't..

"What do you want now?" Yoongi asked coldly

But Jimin couldn't stop staring at Yoongi's abs... He came from shower with only towel around him but still could see his toned abs


No answer

"JIMIN WHAT THE FUCK...!Can you stop fucking staring it's uncomfortable"

And then Jimin snap out of it

"U-uh? W-what we're you saying?" Jimin was completely red
He felt his face was burning

"Ohmy.." He ran into the bathroom to see himself

Omg.. I feel so embarrassed for staring... What even happened? I couldn't help it ...

Jimin tried to wash his face but it didn't help, he also couldn't stop thinking about how good Yoongi looks

"OKAY I'M DONE!" He came to Yoongi and told him that he's going to Jungkook's room

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