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Yoongi pushed him inside and closed the doors

"Uh Jimin... About what we did.... I'm sorry... I..." Yoongi was looking down

"I-it's okay... I could have just said no...."-

"You did good tho" He smiled

"W-what!?" Jimin blushed, looked down to try and hide his face

"Heh......uh... Jimin."-


"Ugh nvm. I'm going back to my room. Goodbye" He said and left

Closing the doors behind he saw RapMon and Jin standing right in front of him

"Where the fuck do you think your going?" They raised their eyebrows

"What the fuck?"-

"Your going back!  Jimin is not a toy you fucker. He's a human, and he has a heart, you broke him multiple times. You can't do that again..." Jin said madly


"NO BUTS Go there and spend some time with him. Go out with him.. You can't just do the thing with him and leave." RapMon nodded at Jin's words

"Well I did with others.... I mean Jimin.. Was different... And..."-

"GOOD NOW GO" They pushed him back to the doors and left

"We'll know if you leave."

Yoongi sighed and opened the doors seeing Jimin on bed looking sad

"Um.. Jimin.."-

Then he looked at Yoongi confused


"Would... You go... Out with me?"

Uhhhh why am I doing this omg

"W-what!? Seriously?"-


"O-okay... When?"-

"Right now" He came closer and grabbed Jimin's wrist

Jimin's heart was beating fast, and his breathing was speed up

But he followed Yoongi anyways

Holding his hand Yoongi left the room

He was basically running through the hallways

Then they walked passed Jin and RapMon

"Ohmy... He actually did called him out!?" Jin was shocked, but then he smirked

"Ohhh man?! I hope everything goes alright."-


"Y-Yoongi where are we going??" Jimin was hardly breathing cus they we're running

Suddenly Yoongi stopped and turned around

Jimin bumped into him
"I'm so sorr-" Yoongi put hand on Jimin's mouth

"Shhh you talk to much..Just be quiet"-

Jimin nodded since he couldn't talk

"Let's go to the cinema and watch horror movie.... I love them" He smiled

Jimin moved Yoongi's hand

"I'm sorry... And okay sure... Hehe..."-

Yoongi haven't seen Jimin's smile yet, cus he was always nervous, or crying even if he did he didn't really realized or cared

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