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"Uhhh... I need to do something.... I need to tell Jungkook... I'm sorry Taehyung..." Jin stood up

"Where are you going now? Can't you stay in room for at least 15minutes?"-

Jin rolled his eyes and left


He came to Jungkook's room and knocked

He was waiting for a while, since Jungkook wasn't opening he took the phone and decided to text him

Few moments later when he was about to press send Jungkook opened

"Uh Jin hyung! Sorry I was in bathroom." Jungkook laughed "come in!  I mean Namjoon is not here rn... If you came for hi-"-

"No... I didn't..."

Jungkook's expression went serious when he saw, that Jin looked worried

"U-uh.. Hyung!? What's wrong?"-

Jin cough

"Come in!  I already said"

Jin came in and sat on Jungkook's bed

He sighed

Jungkook sat next to him "S-so?"-

"Jungkook... Listen... I have to tell you this... Even tho Taehyung told me not to.."-

Jungkook was confused, he started to get worried as well, he was always worried when it's about Taehyung


"It's about... Him.. When he was kid... And year ago? I guess.."-

"H-Hyung please tell me!...You know how much I love him.. And care about him!..."-

"When he was younger.. His mother was abusing him... Like not letting him eat with his family... Or he had to sleep outside...his father left when he was really young.......Jungkook you know.. When he was telling me this... I was crying....I couldn't believe.."-

"Are you kidding me?She DID WHAT!?  SHE WAS ABUSING TAE!?"

"...He have scar on his back..."-

"I was never to close... To get to talk with him... About things... J-Jin... Please help him..."-

"Me?  ....he's broken... That's why I came here."-

"What do you mean?" Jungkook looked at him confused

"You need to help him.. Your the only person that can." Jin held Jungkook's hand

"B-But.... He doesn't even like me... I'm scared of him.. Do you understand? My heart is telling me that I love him... My feelings... Just I'm scared... He can do something.. Bad to himself... Or.."-

"I understand you are... But trust me.. When I say this... You are the only one who can help him. Go to his room....and talk.."-

"W-what!?  I can't!  He can yell and ,and.."-

"JUNGKOOK!  Do you want to help him! What I said wasn't the only thing that happened to him! Fucking go already!"-

Jungkook stood up

"J-Just because I love him so much.....He's more then half of my heart....Okay.. Wish me luck..."-

"You don't need it." Jin and Jungkook left

Jin went to his room, and Jungkook to Taehyung's

He was standing in front of his doors scared to knock....

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