Tuukka Rask/Adam McQuaid: Part 6

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Your POV

You just finished putting your stuff away in the drawers of your new room. You close the last drawer, and head back downstairs to find Adam.

He’s sitting at the table in the kitchen, reading something on his phone.

"How’s your nose feeling?" You ask, moving to stand next to him, hand on his shoulder.

"It’s okay." He looks up at you, a smile slowly spreading on his face. "Nobody can hurt me." 

You can;t help but laugh. You kiss his cheek, then head over to the fridge. “You hungry for dinner yet, my little fighter?”

Laughing, Adam stands up. “Not really. I think i need to get some sleep. I have another practice tomorrow,and I need to be ready if Tuukka’s going to come after me again.” 

You laugh again. “Alright, I will see you in the morning then.” You walk over to Adam, hugging him. “Thank you again. For everything. You’re the best.”

Adam smiles at you again, kisses your forehead, and heads up to his room.

Adam’s POV

You walk upstairs slowly, contemplating going back down and eating with her. You decide not to, and crawl into your bed. You lay down, tossing the blanket over you. Thoughts of the last few days fill your mind. 

You’ve had a crush on her since you were little kids. You’ve been there for each other through everything, and you’ve always had each others back. You were beyond happy when she turned to you after Tuukka hurt her. You never really like Tuukka. As a teammate, he was okay. But you never felt that he was right for her. 

You think of her, falling asleep to the sound of her singing downstairs.

The next day

You wake up early for practice. You check the guest room, where she’s still sleeping. You kiss her lightly, and head to get your stuff.

As you go to leave the house, you stop when you hear her door open. You look up, and see her standing over the balcony.

"Everything okay?" You drop your stuff, and head over to the stairs.

"Yeah." She walks down, and stands right in front of you. "Be careful, okay?" 

You smile a little bit. You absolutely love her. “You got it, kiddo.” You kiss her forehead one last time and head out the door.

You reach the arena in under twenty minutes, and your heart sinks when you see Tuukka standing outside his car in the lot. You do your best to ignore him, heading right into the locker room.

"Hey, Krug." He smiles at you as you walk in.

"Hey, what the hell happened yesterday with you and Tuukka?" He asks, pulling his practice jersey on. 

"Nothing. Just personal stuff." You toss your stuff in your locker, and gear up. 

Five minutes later, you’re on the ice. You start your laps, and watch as Tuukka takes his place in net. 

"Alright, start with some shots on Rask." Claude yells out.

You’re up first. You square yourself to Tuukka, and speed towards him. You rip one, putting the puck right over his shoulder.

"Damn it!" Tuukka yells, slashing at you with his stick. It catches you in the back of the knee, sending you falling on your face. 

"Dude, knock it off!" You stand up, glaring at your teammate. 

"Make me." Tuukka challenges you.

"GUYS!" Claude yells at you. "Adam, get out of here. Tuukka, locker room. Get yourselves together, now."

You storm into the locker room, tossing your stuff inside. You put on jeans and a shirt, sneakers, and grab your backpack. Then you storm out of the arena.

Your POV

You’re standing in the kitchen making breakfast when you hear Adam’s car pull up.

"Hey." You say to him as he walks in. "You’re home early, aren’t you?"

"Yeah." Adam mutters. You can’t help but notice he’s limping a bit on his way to the closet. 

"What happened?" 

"Tuukka. He got mad because I scored, and he slashed me in the back of the leg." Adam walks in the kitchen, propping his leg up on the chair.

"Here." You place a bag of ice on his knee gently. He flinches again. "You okay?"

Adam looks up at you and smiles. “Nobody can take me down.”

You laugh, and continue making your breakfast. 

"Oh, you and I are going out tonight." Adam pipes up, leaning on the table."

"Oh, are we now?" You turn, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah. You and me, dinner." 

"Sounds good." You smile.

Later that night 

You hop in the car, Adam shutting the door behind you. He hops in, and takes off down the road. He stops at an intersection, and turns to you.

"You excited yet?" He asks, shaking you playfully, 

"Absolutely." You smile at him. 

For the first time in a while, you’re happy. And you couldn’t be happier to share than to share it with Adam. 

Someone behind you honks, and Adam takes off, He starts to make a left turn, then turns to you, his face horrified. You turn and look too. 

A tractor trailer catches the car, sending you flying. The car rolls a few times, before landing in a ditch down the road. 

You start to yell Adam’s name, but your head hurts so bad. You try to move, but the pain is too much, and you black out. 

Before you go out completely, you hear Adam start to say your name. It’s too late. Your head rolls to the side, and you’re unconscious. 

Tuukka Rask ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now