Tuukka Rask/Adam McQuaid: Part 15

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Adam’s POV

"What…what do you mean the baby isn’t his?" You ask, shocked. 

"Adam…the only other one the baby could belong to..is…is you." She looks up at you, tears staining her face.

"It can’t be…we only did..you know…’it’ once, and that was a while ago…"

And that was the truth. After she had her cast taken off, you had both been in the mood, and had…done it. 

"I don’t know how we didn’t see it. The pregnancy test wasn’t mine, but I did another one to make sure…" She looks away, holding back any tears she has left.

"But…" You let her out of the hug, and look over at Tuukka, sitting in the police car still. "How can you be sure?"

"You’re the only one Adam. There’s no way the baby was his." She jerks her thumb at Tuukka, refusing to even look at him. 

"Then why did you go back with him?" 

"I wanted to be sure. I knew he was lying about the test, and I wanted to play along. I’m sorry." She says, now looking at the ground.

"So…I’m going to be a dad?" You ask quietly, and she nods. "Wow…"

"I’m sorry. We can…go. Jonah and I. We can leave. You don’t need to take care of all of us." 

"No way am I letting you do that." You reach for her hand, holding it in yours. "You are my beautiful girl, and Jonah is my little man. And the baby…they’re mine too. I’m not letting any of you go anywhere." You lean in and kiss her softly, avoiding the blood on her face. "Not without me."

She smiles at you, looking past you. Turning, you see the cop car with Tuukka in it pull away, his eyes glaring at you. You grab he, pulling her close, almost protecting her. 

Your POV

"We need to take you to the hospital, okay?" An officer tells you, walking over. 

Adam nods, offering to drive you. The officer hands you a towel to put over your still bleeding face, and Adam helps you into the car. 

"Everything is going to be fine." Adam reassures you, reaching for your hand as he walks you into the ER.

You nod, pressing the towel to your nose.

"It’ll just be a while, Adam." A doctor puts his arm around your shoulders, leading you into the back. 

The doctor wipes the blood from your face, avoiding your nose. 

"Looks like a broken nose. And a concussion." The doctor says, leading you back outside. Adam is asleep in the chair, but wakes up as you walk in. "You’ll be okay. Just take it easy for a while."

"Let’s get you home, kiddo." Adam takes your hand, walking you outside. He stops outside the door, leaning in and kissing you again. "Everything is going to be fine. I promise."

The drive home is almost completely silent, your head resting against the cold window. Adam walks you inside, and right to his room. 

"Get some sleep, okay?" Adam says, sitting you on the bed. You lay on your back, and Adam covers you. "I’ll be back in a while to check on you, okay?" He leans in and kisses your forehead before walking away, leaving you alone. 

Adam’s POV

You close the door quietly behind you, leaving her to get some rest. You settle into the guest room, throwing your arms over your head.

You were going to be a dad. A dad. To her baby…this is insane. Everything was all over the place…and now this was just another thing added to it. But this, for once, wasn’t a bad thing. You were going to be a dad. This..this was great.

As you lay there thinking of the day, your phone goes off on the table next to you. It’s Torey. 

"What’s up?" You answer, throwing a hand over your face. 

"What the hell happened with Tuukka?" He fires the question at you, wasting no time. 

"He decided to be an abusive ass. He beat her, Torey. Bad." 

"How bad?" Torey asks quietly, sounding upset. 

"Concussion, broken nose, bruised lip. Pretty roughed up."

Torey is silent for a minute, then sighs. “That’s horrible. Is she okay?”

"She’s fine, sleeping now." You say, sitting up. 

"What’s going to happen to Tuukka?" 

"I don’t know. Honestly, I could care less." You say, a slight hint of anger in your voice. "After what he did, I-"

You stop mid sentence, thinking you heard a noise. Listening more intently, you hear a sound from the your room. “Torey, I’ll call you back!” You toss your phone aside, and jump off the bed. You whip open the bedroom door, heading to the bedside. She’s sitting there, crying.

"What’s wrong?!" You kneels down in front of her, hand on her knee.

"This is just so hard to deal with…everything has just been piling on." She manages to say through her hands. 

"I know. But I’m right here for you." You reach up, pulling her head down to your shoulder. "I’m not going anywhere."

She nods, reaching around and hugging you. “Thank you. You’re the only person who’s gotten me through this.”

"Hey, I’m always going to be here. I promise." You kiss the back of her head. "Hey, you want to go to a game tonight?" 

She picks her head up, looking into your eyes. “Are you serious?”

You nod. “You need something to do, and a game would be perfect. Come watch, please?”

She smiles and nods. “I’ll even give you my away jersey to wear, okay?” You say, leaning in and kissing her again. 

Later, at the game, second period

Your POV

You clap as Johnson makes a save at the other end o the ice, and the Bruins bring it down towards you. You’re sitting in the Panthers end, the Bruins up 3-0.

Adam is standing at the point, stick at the ready. A Panther comes flying in, knocking down Bergeron. Adam isn’t having that. He goes after the Panther, throwing his gloves off. 

"Come on, Adam!" You yell, clapping. 

Adam throws a nice right, catching the guy in the nose. His helmet flies off at the Panther knocks him on the forehead. Another right by the Panther, and Adam goes down. He hits his head right on the ice, and stops moving. 

"Adam?" You shout, as the Bruins and medical staff surround him. 

"Stretcher!" The head trainer yells, looking around. Through the sea of legs, you can see a puddle of blood, Adam knocked out.


Adam is rolled off the ice, Bergeron pressing a towel against his head. 

No…don’t leave me now. 

Tuukka Rask ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now