Tuukka Rask/Adam McQuaid: Part 14

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Adam’s POV

You’re still sitting by the front door, numb. You’ve cried all you can for now, the note still clutched in your hand. 

How can she be gone? Everything was going our way..and now this. You had been doing great. You were closing in on a house, you had the girl of your dreams, and you had everything you wanted. And now…everything was over. She can’t be gone.

You stand and walk up to the room where Jonah had been staying. The crib was set up still, just pushed to the side. His clothes were gone, all the toys picked up. 

You walk back to your room, sitting on the bed. You draw your legs close to you, and reread the note. 

She was fixing it with Tuukka…he had torn her apart and ruined everything for her…and now she was going back with him. 

You still couldn’t believe it. 

Your POV

You sit on the couch in Tuukka’s house, watching him. He was sitting across from you, writing something down. It’s been dead silent since you had gotten back. 

You can’t help but feel like you had made a big mistake. Leaving Adam after everything he had done for you…leaving him when he was willing to give up anything for you. You can’t help but feel lost.

"Why did you come back?" Tuukka asks, looking over at you. 

"I’m apparently pregnant. I don’t need to make Adam put up with that. You need to if the kid is yours. He doesn’t." You say coolly, not looking towards him. 

"Exactly. Adam didn’t need to step in at all." Tuukka says, standing and walking over to you. "He hurt you more than I did." He kisses your head and heads to the kitchen.

"He hurt me more? He didn’t cheat on me, Tuukka." You stand and follow him, limping on your healing leg. "All he did was break my damn leg, not ruin my life."

"It still hurt you." Tuukka turns and stares you down. "He still did, okay?"

You roll your eyes, leaving him alone in the kitchen. You walk into your bedroom, sitting on the bed. 

Your thoughts keep going back to Adam. He’s all alone…all you did was leave a note for him…

You try to take your mind off of it by unpacking your stuff. You open your drawers to put your shirts back when you find something new. 

It’s a box of pregnancy tests. You pick them up, wondering how they got there. This isn’t where you kept them, yours are usually in the bathroom closet. You check the closet, and, lo and behold, yours are still there. 

So whose are these?

"Tuukka?" You yell down to him. "Whose tests are these?" 

Tuukka walks up the stairs, taking the box from you. “These are yours, hun. You’ve had them for a while.”

"Not these ones. Only one is gone." 

"That’s how many you used when you checked when you were pregnant with Jonah, right?"

"No, I used three. Just to make sure." You glare up at him. "Who do these belong to, Tuukka?" 

He takes the box from you roughly, storming into the bedroom. “Nothing. They have to be yours.” 

"They aren’t mine!" You yell at him, following him in. "Who the hell do those belong to?"

"Shut up!" Tuukka turns, smacking you. His knuckle hits you right in the eye. You stumble back, covering your eye. Tuukka comes after you, slamming you against the wall. "You better shut up. Right now!" He lets go, stomping back down the stairs.

You collapse on the floor. You’re in so much pain. You’re head and eye is throbbing, your leg hurts again, and pain is still shooting through your back. You start to cry softly, dragging yourself to the bathroom. 

You lock the door behind you, grabbing your phone out of your pocket. You dial the only person who can help, even if he might be mad at you.

Come on…pick up…please…

"Hello?" Adam answers, his voice sounding shaky.

"Adam?!" You breathe with relief at the sound of his voice. Still crying, you manage to say, "Tuukka…he hit me. Hard..Adam I need help. Please…" 

You’re nervous to hear how he’ll respond. You’re afraid that he’s going to be mad at you for leaving him. 

"I’m on my way." Adam says quickly. "Hang in there, kid."

He hangs up, and you collapse on the floor again, crying. 

Adam’s POV

You’re flying yo Tuukka’s house. How dare he hurt her. After she came back to him after what he did. After she gave him another chance. 

On your way out of the house, you call the police. You explain everything to them, and tell them that you’ll be there soon too.

By the time you get to the house, the police are already there. You bolt from your car, heading to where they all are.

"Adam McQuaid?" An officer asks. You nod, then he continues. "I’m Lieutenant Parker. We’re working on getting them both out. Safely."

You nod, then look at the house. The cops are inside, and you can hear a lot of yelling. A few moments later, Tuukka is dragged out in handcuffs, his face red.

He catches sight of you, and screams, “You son of a bitch! I’ll kill you for this!”

You roll your eyes again, looking back at the house. A few more cops bring her out of the house, and she runs right over to you. You catch her in your arms, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I’m so sorry for leaving Adam." She says, crying. "I’m so sorry. I thought I could fix this with him…" 

"Shhh." You soothe her, stroking her hair. You push her back a bit, getting a look at her. Her left eye is black, her lip is bleeding, and so is her nose. There are marks around her throat as well. 

"Adam?" Parker walks over to you again. "We don’t know what’s going to happen with Tuukka. Also, we need to get her to the hospital. Just protocol, nothing more." 

You nod, and walk her to your car. 

At the hospital, she’s led to the back, and lays on the bed. You hold her hand, trying to comfort her as you always have. This is beyond unreal. Tuukka hurt her…after she had gone back to him.

You’re forced to let go of her hand as she’s led away for some tests. 

Two hours later, you walk out of the hospital, her hand on yours. 

"It’s going to be okay. We’re going to get through this." You stop, turning to face her. She has bandages on her face, and on her throat.

"I know…" She looks away, tears forming in her eyes again.

"Why are you crying?" You ask, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"I’m…I’m so sorry. I should have known better than to go back…There was no point in this."

"What do you mean?" 

"Adam…I’m pregnant. But…"


She looks up at you, her eyes filled with tears. “The baby isn’t Tuukka’s.”

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