Chapter 12

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Michael, along with Caleb and Bart watched from the top of the stairs as they watched Mia,Cathy, and her sister along with a wedding planner read through different wedding books. Even Mari was caught up in the excitement finding a new friend in Mia's niece Ria. While Michael insisted on helping, Mia made it clear that it was women only. "You know, I' never understood why women get so damn excited over a wedding," Caleb groans.

"Oh, son, you must look at it in their point of view. A wedding is considered one of the greatest moments in a woman's life," Bart smiles. He looks over at Michael who was listening at the conversations being carried out. "Hey, Mike, you think you'll get cold feet at the altar?" Caleb teased.

"Not likely, I would treasure every second of the wedding."

"You're really going through this, even if the two of you are already bonded?"

"Mia knows we're bonded, but the truth is, her mind is still set to her human limitations. It's unable to grasp our bond. So hopefully this wedding will allow her mind some ease."

"Ah, you make a good point, my boy. A lifemate must accept the bond through her mind, body, and soul."

"So you're saying that her body and soul acknowledge the fact that you're her lifemate, but her mind refuses to do the same?"

"In a way, yes."

"Hmph. Maybe those stories of yours aren't so childish, dad."

"So, sis, what was it like when he proposed to you?" Tia asked.

"Well, technically, he didn't propose."

"Technically? Either he did or he didn't?"

"He didn't."

Tia gasped dramatically. "Uh oh, here she goes," Nia warned as Mia laughed at her older sister. "I cannot believe my ears. How the hell can you marry this man and he haven't even proposed to you? Oh, this needs to be fixed pronto! Michael, get down here!" she shouted. Michael was a bit taken back by Tia, but didn't blame her considering that she was the oldest of the sisters who always looked out for them.

Ria watched as he walked downstairs. "Whoa, sex on legs," she muttered. "I heard that, Ria, and he's already taken," Nia giggled. "Now, Michael, did you or did you not propose to Mia?" Tia asked. Michael couldn't help but feel like a kid being scolded by his mother. "No, I did not," he admitted. "Well, what are you waiting for? Hop to it!" Tia positioned Mia in front of him. "Alright, let her have it." Mia was laughing at the situation as she waits for his proposal.

What am I suppose to say?

Whatever comes out of your heart.

"Mia, I-"

"Whoa, cut, cut, CUT! Ooh, Michael, work with me, man, you're breaking my non-existing balls here," Tia exclaimed. "Get down on one knee and do it right." Rolling his eyes, he kneeled on one knee and looks up at Mia. "Mia, being with you has given me nothing but eternal bliss. My bond with you shall never be broken, which is why I wish for that same bond to become even more stronger. Mia Parker, will you marry me?"

Mia smiled widely but was taken by complete surprise when he reached into his pockets taking out a ten carats diamond ring. "Holy f***!" Nia exclaimed covering her mouth."Yes!" Mia shouted as everybody squealed and applauded as he placed the ring on her finger. "Now that's more like it," Tia smiled wiping a tear away. "Look at me, I'm already crying before the actual wedding," Cathy laughed.

"And that's where I come in," Bart smiled as he walked downstairs. "This calls for a celebration! We shall have an engagement party tonight!"

"Tonight? Hold on, mister..." Tia said.

"Oh, where are my manners? Please call me Bart."

"Ok..Bart. Before we can do anything, we have to make sure that mom gets picked from the airport tomorrow morning. She's flying from Georgia and we have to call in to reserve a room for us at the best hotel.

"That won't be necessary, there's plenty of room at my house," Bart smiled. "Yeah, Ria can sleep in my room with me" Mari smiled. "Cool! Can we stay at the old guy's place, pleeease, mom?" Ria asked. "Well, if there's plenty of room like he said, I guess it's ok," Nia shrugs.

"Also, we have to discuss the wedding rehearsal and seating arrangements," the wedding planner spoke out.

"Then it's settled, Mia's sisters shall stay at my place, the mother will be picked up first thing in the morning, and the engagement party shall be held tomorrow night," Bart smiled.

By the end of the day, everyone has left leaving the whole house to Michael and Mia. Mia plops down on the bed and sighs. "Whew, what a day. Are you sure they'll be okay staying at Bart's place?" Michael leans down giving her a soft kiss. "I'm sure Bart will instruct his clan not to harass them, so they'll be fine," he said as he leaves trails of kisses down her neck.

"You sound pretty confident about that."

"Because they know they'll have to deal with me if your sisters come to any harm." He continued to kiss her as he unbuttoned her blouse removing her bra to cup her breasts. "Mmm, I've been thinking about something," Mia manages to say after enjoying his touch. Michael was occupying himself by nibbling on her neck while massaging her breasts. "I think until after the wedding, we should withhold sex." That's when Michael stopped and looked at her.


"You heard me, silly, no sex until we're officially married in human terms."

"Please tell me you're kidding. Besides, we're already married."

"According to your customs, we are, but what about mine?"

He sighed. "When is this wedding?"

"Well, I was thinking of having it in a year or two."


"So how about it?"

"We'll have the wedding immediately."'

"Two years."


"Five months, and that's my final offer," Mia smirked.

"Deal," he groans."

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