Chapter 23

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Michael and Mia were wrapped in each other's arms exchanging heated kisses as they rode the elevator to their hotel room. As soon as they entered their bedroom, Michael was pulled down onto the bed as he straddles Mia. "Do it," she said breaking the kiss. Michael knew what she meant. "Are you sure you're ready?" he asked pulling her close. "Yeah. I don't mind being 30 for the rest of my life. Besides, I get to spend it with you," she smiles stroking his cheek. She loved watching Michael nuzzle into her hand like a purring cat. He leans down kissing her passionately trailing down to her neck. His fangs extended out of his mouth as he bites through her flesh. She held onto him tightly as he drank. A soft moan escaped from her lips feeling him grind against her hips. Their clothes disappeared into mist giving them complete access to each other's bodies. Mia drifted into unconsciousness until her heartbeat slowed down, giving Michael the signal to retract his fangs. After licking her neck to close the wound, he uses his index finger to make a small cut on his own neck. Mia latched onto his neck drinking his blood.

The entire process was enough for him to grind harder against her as he enters his hardened member inside her. Mia moaned against his skin licking the cut to stop the bleeding. Her nails dug through his back as she feels the change taking place. She wanted to scream in pain as her body was dying, but she was overcome by pleasure with Michael thrusting deeper inside her.

"Harder, baby. Oooh, harder!"

Michael complied thrusting harder. The transformation was complete, but that didn't stop them from spending the night filled with deep ecstasy. Mia wrapped her legs around his waist moaning loudly. Harder and deeper he thrust, he sent her into a deeper level of pleasure as they reached their peaks. They spent the entire night wrapped in each other's arms. The sun rose shining brightly on Mia's face. She opened her eyes adjusting her vision; thinking back on last night of love making. She sighed happily laying her head on Michael's chest. She looked at his sleeping form as their bodies were intertwined.

She reached over at her dresser grabbing the camera and turns it on. "Good morning, y'all," she said quietly keeping her body covered with the blankets. "So far, I am loving this vacation. Nothing like walks on the beach and strawberry martinis. Plus, the room service is great." She turns the camera over at Michael who was snoring softly. "Aww, look at him, sleeping like a baby," she giggled. Michael moaned softly as he wakes up. He smiled seeing Mia was filming. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she smiled. He grabbed the camera and turns it off.

"Hey, that's not very nice," Mia pouts. Michael pulled her closer to him kissing her forehead. "Sorry, but I would like a little more privacy for us."

"Last night wasn't enough for you, huh?"

"I can never have enough of you, sweetheart."

"Then you'll have plenty of me for the whole week."

"Why stop there? We can have so much fun even after our honeymoon."

They spent the day cuddling and ordering room service. "Mmm mmph! I never knew chocolate cake tasted so good!" Mia exclaimed eating a slice. Michael chuckled watching her enjoy her chocolate goodies she ordered. "Your senses does become heightened once you're turned," he said eating a slice. Mia stopped eating and stared at him in confusion.

"You mean...?"


"You're kidding! How? When?"

"Last night, remember?" he laughs.

Mia jumped off the bed to check herself in the mirror. She yelped seeing no reflection of herself. "It'll take a while before your reflection comes back, so need to worry," Michael reassured her. Mia stared at him in disbelief. "But what about...?"

"You were a bit busy to worry about the pain," he smirked.

"Ohh, so you turned me during sex?"

"If you want to tell it like it is, then yes."

Mia jumped back on the bed giving him a great big kiss. "You're not bothered about it?"

"Are you serious? Of course not. I figured it was gonna happen sooner or later, so why fight it? So are gonna go feeding later tonight?"

Michael chuckled feeding her a cupcake. "Feeding and everything else can wait. Right now, this week is all about us, my sweet."

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