Chapter 15

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The next morning. Mia woke up to get ready for work. As she stretches, she looks to the empty spot next to her. She haven't seen or heard from Michael since last night. Maybe he was ashamed about how he acted or probably sleeping for the day. She went through the day without a single word from him, not even a telepathic message from him. After arriving at work, she took a seat in the back to eat breakfast.

"Hey, girl, got enough sleep after last night party?" Cathy smiles taking a seat next to her.

"I slept ok," she shrugged.

"Ok? That's it? I figured your fiancé' would've kept you busy afterwards."

"Well, that's just it, we agreed to no sex until after the wedding."

"Oh, no, not that again. You used that same rule with the last guy you were engaged to, and look what happened. He ran after the first pair of spread legs."

"Yeah, but that meant that he wasn't going to remain faithful to me even after we would marry." Mia paused a bit expecting to hear a growl in her head. Nothing.

"So you think he'd pass or fail? Is it possible to cheat on the lifemate or something?"

"I don't know, I never asked. In fact, I haven't seen him in a while."

"How come?"

"Well, after the party, he started acting strange. He had that look on his face like he wanted to kill me."

"What?!" Cathy shouted causing a few people to look at them.

"He didn't do anything; Caleb came in and stopped him. Then he walked away. After that, I haven't seen him."

"Hm, maybe he just wanted some time for himself to calm down or something."

"Maybe, but he's the kind of guy that would love to spend every minute with me."

They started working after breakfast. Mia went through the entire day without hearing a single word from Michael, not even a surprise visit from him. After work, Martin the driver came around to pick her up as usual. She walked in expecting a big hug from him. The place actually seemed bigger and quieter when Bart, Caleb, and Mari were not around. The silence was broken by sound of soft music playing. From the sound of it, it sounded like it was coming from downstairs. As she followed the sound downstairs, the music became louder as she approached the room. She peeked in seeing none other than Michael playing the piano.

His fingers were hitting each key creating beautiful notes; one after another as they came together creating a wonderful song. "What's it called?" Mia asked. Michael stopped playing and looked away. He didn't want to face her after the way he acted last night. "You know, I kinda pictured you as a pianist," she smiles. So..what's it called?"

"It doesn't have a name yet," Michael spoke softly. Mia walked towards him and pinched his cheek hard. "Oww, what was that for?" he groaned holding his cheek.

"Remember that promise you made me?"

"I never forgot it. I promised not mope around with the 'I could've killed you' attitude," he smiles.

"That's right. I've already forgiven you, but you gotta tell me what exactly happened. I thought you said that you fed enough that night."

"I did, but it wasn't a feeding problem."

"Was it the darkness? I saw you talking to yourself and Caleb explained to me what was going on."

Michael got up from his seat and smiled at Mia. "You know what? You're right about one thing; I must keep my promise; I've also said that from now on, it's nothing but making you happy.

BITTEN: Eternal CommitmentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang