Chapter 17

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If her ankle weren't chained to the bedposts, Mia would think that she was visiting a new friend. Bridgette has been keeping her company throughout the day telling her stories of her past human life. It turns out that her brother has the ability to block out telepathic messages from other vampires, which explains why Michael is unable to reach her. "How long will he keep blocking us like this?" Mia asked.

"Probably until Merrick gives the order. Once he does that, your man will be hearing your messages like a voicemail," Bridgette explained. Suddenly, Merrick walked in. "Thank you, Bridgette, you're dismissed."

"Later, human," Bridgette said as she walked out leaving Mia with Merrick. "I suppose I should apologize for interrupting your little wedding, but I just had to see you again," he chuckled. He looks out the window seeing dark clouds forming. "Well, it appears that Mr. Jackson is on his way." Mia looked out as thunderbolts struck. She remembered that there wasn't a cloud in the sky this morning and suddenly a thunderstorm popped up. It was starting to get worse as the ground shook a little.

Back at Michael's place, Michael sat at the edge of the bed staring out the window. Since his windows were sunproof, the sun's rays were not harming him as he watched the sunset disappeared over the horizon as more dark clouds form. The ground shook more as if it were feeding on his anger. Before Bart could mutter a word, Michael sprinted out through the double doors heading straight to San Diego. It may be a two hour drive, but at the rate Michael was running, it would take two minutes. Merrick ordered Daniel to remove the block as Mia's voice flooded his mind, which enraged him even more as he gained speed with thunder crashing behind him.

Merrick stood at the top of the stairs as the doors busted away into splinters revealing a feral-looking Michael. "Where's Mia?" he growled softly keeping his glaring eyes at Merrick, never bothering to look at his clan members getting ready to attack. "Ah, Michael, so nice to see you again." Daniel came behind him holding Mia's arm tightly. Michael snarled as he gets ready to charge until he was held back by Merrick's clan members. It took three of them to restrain him. Merrick grabbed Mia inhaling her scent as she tries to get away. He struggled in their grip as the storm outside became stronger. Merrick knew that this would anger him, so he decides to take it a little further. "You know, I can see that you haven't turned her yet, allow me," he grinned extending his fangs as they raked across her neck.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Michael roared as the windows breaks. The uncontrollable storm made its way inside as the other vampires tries to avoid getting struck by lightning. "Do it and you're dead," he threatened. "Did you just threatening to kill a clan leader? I could have you charged for that," Merrick laughs. "But go on, you can have her back," he shoves Mia in front of him. The vampires let go of Michael as he caught her before she could trip down the stairs. As soon as he moved her away from Merrick, he charged toward Merrick and pinned him to the wall lifting his hand to rip his heart out and crush it.

"Michael, no!" Mia shouted at him. He stopped his claws inches away from Merrick's chest. He turns around glaring at Mia. She was met with those same dark brown eyes, but they had a sinister, animalistic look to them as they stared deep into her eyes. "Please...don't do it," she pleaded. She knew the price Michael would have to pay if he killed Merrick, succumbing to the darkness or even punishment form the Council. He could actually sense the fear racing through her body, fear of seeing him like this. He retracted his fangs back removing his grip. As his demeanor calmed down, so did the storm. He gave Merrick one more glare before he walked downstairs. "Come on, let's go home," she said softly grabbing his hand leading him outside.

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