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5 year old jess above^^^
•5 years later•
*3rd person*
Everyone around Jess hates her, they thought her looks were weird and she should not even be alive.
She was only 5 years old.
She always tried to talk to the parents coming to adopt a child but they all ignored her and went to all the better looking kids.
Jess grew up to be a independent five year old, more independent then most teens.
She could dress herself, clean herself, feed herself and could do a whole bunch more.
The orphanage took advantage of this and made her do everything and when I say everything, I mean everything.
She had to do all the chores, make meals for the kids and of course no one else helped no one else asked if she needed any help, they all just watched her and laughed.
Even though she was only 5 years old she was determined to get out of that orphanage, the orphanage kicked people out when they turned 18, but Jess could not wait that long, she wanted to live, find her parents, meet her family.
All this 5 year old wanted was love.
But she never got it.
All she wanted to do was give up.
Jess's P.O.V
My alarm went off so I got up and checked the time.
Why was my alarm set for 2:30 am?!?
It must of been that b**** Lucy! ( A/N No offense if your name is Lucy)
If your wondering how do I know these words it's cause I here them a lot at the orphanage.
Lucy is 10 years old, is the golden child and who I hate most in the world.
I snap out of my thoughts and get up to get dressed, I walked over to the other side of my room, yes I have a room, but the smallest one in the orphanage, but hey at least I have a room.
I picked out a light pink dress, my messed up white sneakers and my favorite pink bow, I put the bow in my hair and start to walk downstairs.
Ok I know your thinking "isn't it 2:00 am?!?" Well yes it is but I decided to take this opportunity to do whatever I like, like get proper food!!!
So I quietly tiptoe downstairs and I make sure to skip the 1 creaky stair at the bottom of the stair case, it is a long way down because I am on the top floor  and there are lots and lots of stairs.
Finally after like 10 minutes I finally get down there.
I walk to the kitchen and try to reach the counter since I am really short (since I am 5) I finally make it and make a sandwich.
I finish it and walk back up the stairs to my room, I lay back down and turn my head to look at the time
I thought
Just another couple hours till everybody else wakes up
I turn my head and look up at the ceiling.
I fall asleep thinking about what it would be like if I was not in the orphanage.


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