Jess walked into school and walked to her locker expecting it to be a normal day, oh boy was she wrong.

Little did she know that pike was going to turn up at school today, pike was a man who was very old and was gonna do bad things, he could kill you easily.

Jess walked to her classroom and sat in down in her seat waiting for her the teacher to come it but instead the lock down bell went off and pike ran in and pushed jess off the chair and onto the floor.

"who the hell are you?!?!?" Jess screamed to pike

pike looked over at jess and there eyes met, it was love at first sight. Jess and pike could not stop looking at eachother, jess got up and walked over to pike, pike grabbed her hands and spinned her around.

"Hello my lady ;)" pike said smiling at jess, jess smiled at pike wanting him more, she would change herself for him.

"wanna come home with me?" pike said, jess nodded and followed pike out of the classroom into the halls, no one was there, perfect.

Jess's P.O.V

i felt something with him, something i have never felt before, i felt loved for once, i felt happy. pike made me feel something that no one has ever made me feel, he seemed like a nice boy from what she has seen of him, she might have been wrong but he was so handsome she loved it.

Pike pulled me out of the school and into his mini van, it was cute, i got into one side and he got into the other side of the van and turned on the car, he then farted and it smelled bad, but jess liked it. Jess really liked this boy.

"Now since you'll be hanging out with me you have to get some stuff done, we will got get you a lip job and then shave your head, then we go get lots of junk food. are you ok with this darling??" pike said looking over a little bit, "what is your name?"

"jess is my name, you really are handsome, and yes i am fine with anything you do to me!" i looked at him, his hair was greasy and messy and he had nice old worn out clothes which i liked for some reason.

Pike smirked and nodded, wonder why, guess i will find out later.

When we arrived at the plastic surgery place me and pike got out and went in, pike walked up to the counter.

"Name?" the person at the desk said not even looking up from her paperwork

"Pike." Pike said smiling

"right in there" She said pointing to the door on the left.

Me and pike walked over to the door and knocked, "come in!", we heard so i opened the door to reveal and old man around 89 sitting at the desk, he smiled at us.

"welcome" he said "now you want a lip job, am i correct?" the doctor asks, i found out his name was jeff, interesting.

"yes thank you," i smiled " also i would like a nose job please."

"ah very well" he got up and walked over to me "now," he said putting lines around my nose and lips so the other surgeons could get it right .

*an hour later*

I am about to go in to get my nose and lips done, i am nervous right now but i know everything will be fine, when i went into the room there was a bed so i sat on that and then other people came in with needles and other stuff they use, they gave me some type of sleeping pill which made me fall asleep instantly.

*one hour later*
I just woke up form that and I feel really dizzy.
"SHIT." I screamed remembering I have no money whatsoever, i should of told pike that before I got this shit done.

"Pike, um I can't pay for any of this..." I said slowly

"That ok honey I will pay for this. I will pay for anything you want, cause your my girl, hey where do you live? I gotta drive you home after this.

After awhile I was free to go home, but instead we went to KFC and then Macca's, pike ordered me like the whole menu, I have never had this much food in my life!
I felt like I was in heaven, I can see myself coming here like everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!

I was almost done with all my food and pike had already eaten all his.
You know, even tho I just met pike I feel like I have known him for a long time.

"How much was all this?" I asked as I bite into a Big Mac "it seems very expensive."
"Oh it was only about $100, not much money tho.  Hey, can u tell you a secret?" Pike said

"Sure!" I said smiling.
"I stole this money from Draco Lucius malfoy when he was sleeping in his bed!" Pike said laughing.

He steals things?? This is why I love him.

It has been around 30 mins and we were heading back to my place, he was dropping me of there.
"Hope you had a nice day." Pike said smirking

"I sure did!" I said as I quickly kissed him on the cheek "seeya!" I said as I walked inside.
I put on some other clothes, then climbed into bed.

Today has been a longggg day and I loved it.

Word count:935

Hey guys!
This has to be one of my longest chapters yet! This has to be a couple of pages!
So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!
Pike is finally showed up in the story! Finally!!!
I will try to update in a couple days, around Wednesday maybe! At least not once a month!!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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