Part 6: Broken Creatures

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Part 6: Broken Creatures

[Year: 2006

Time: 1:11pm

Location: Small Building, Conrod Straight, Thredbo, Australia]

I observed that most of the fathers just remained in their seats, mulling over the facts and reasoning within themselves or keeping the fires of rage smouldering inside but not letting the rage go out.

They were all restrained with what we could find and what we had. Some with handcuffs but the rest had rope that we found. Sydney thought it best not to set up a huge ethereal muscle-flex inhibiter. It might attract people to such a high heat output in the area. It also wasn't good to look imposing when apologizing.

While I smiled over these ones, I was not looking in the direction of a certain group that had gotten it into their heads that they MUST find who is responsible for their families dissolving in front of their eyes, and make them pay!

One of them, a huge body builder that had taken too many drugs to feel pain or leave any sense of reason, managed to break out of his handcuffs and free two of his nearby muscly friends who then headed to attack the people at my sides, Kepler and another soldier, to get to me! Meanwhile three more people broke out of their chairs and started heading towards me!

Blind with rage and a thirst for violence, the six people ran headlong into the transparent solid plexiglass panels that surrounded them.

I held back a laugh that we all would get when seeing a baby running into a glass sliding door.

Despite that, they screamed curses and kept beating against the barrier between me and them. They threw chairs right at me, which just bounced back at them enraging them further. They also tried to obtain weapons from soldiers nearby the entrances but found they were entirely surrounded by the same barrier.

Instead of trying to stop them I let them vent out their anger a little. These barriers are rated to stop a tank from rolling over it.

(Made with Plexi, but heavily reinforced, mind you)

I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach as I watched a man, filled with rage, start slamming his face into the barrier. He looked possessed with rage as his fists and forehead started bleeding profusely as he continued pounding and smashing against the barrier.

I had no right to tell him to stop.

The fathers who remained in the seats in the middle were also sickened from this seriously unbridled rage. They looked away, since they also wouldn't and couldn't stop this.

Three more of the others also joined this crazy one in smashing themselves against the barrier. They could see it was indestructible but they continued to beat themselves against it.

One of the more radical ones actually climbed on the shoulders of one and managed to grasp and climb over the barrier and leaped straight for me! He took a swipe at me and managed to scratch my face by not severely. Still, I let out a yelp when it stung.

Deune rushed to be in front of me and managed to catch the man and restrain him... unfortunately he was so desperate that he struggled so hard to get out of Deune's mechanised grasp that he actually tore his arm out of its socket and pulled several muscles in his back.

He screamed and writhed but still scowled and swore at me. Blood streamed over his face and mouth. Pure wrath was written across the features of his face.

Kate was horrified at first, but after seeing the man suffer so much she wanted to see it end... for his sake. She walked to Deune and whispered something at his side. He looked at her with understanding and surprise, then nodded and looked at the man in his arms.

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