Part 7: The Tough Get Wounded

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Part 7: The Tough Get Wounded

[Year: 2006

Time: 3:58pm

Location: Inner Compound, Black Sallee's Bistro, Conrod Straight, Thredbo, Australia]

Kepler and Kate fired their weapons in a hail of fire and ice at the beast and his body exploded in bloody frozen shards and burning pieces. A few more surrounded us from the other sided and effortlessly lifted the tonnes of kitchen appliances to completely expose our hiding spot.

Deune sprang out and tackled two of them and threw one far away before wrestling with the other in a battle of mechanised brawn against brawn. It was the most incredibly heroic thing I have ever seen. He actually managed to grasp and lift the beast up over his head and throw him across the room!

I took out my staff and extended it from it's compressed, travel size and formed several dillation spheres around Kate, Kepler and the rest of us who were in the hole and were paralysed in fear and shock. I caught one of the beasts but the others were smart and stayed away. I used my palm-laser to cut into some of them but that merely scratched their armor.

"Hey! A little help he- Argh! Get... off... me, you stupid- whatever you are!" Deune yelled out. One of the beasts had jumped on his back and was trying to tear his head off while Deune was holding back two of the others.

Kate fired at the other two around us and I used my palm laser to cut one in front of Kepler in half.

Kepler rushed to Deune's aid and used the sniper rifle that he had as a short-barrel to punch several huge holes right through the legs of the assailants. They collapsed but grabbed onto Deunes legs and actually started chewing into them!

"Argh! Get off before I stomp you into the ground!" Deune managed to throw off one of the beasts and broke the arms off the other one, then started dealing with the one on his back.

Kate shattered the two on Deune's legs but since their 'teeth' or whatever was there, were embedded in Deune's legs part of the freezing process shattered his legs.

"Dammit, no!" Deune cursed as he felt his limbs disintegrate as he lost his balance and landed on his hands and knees. Despite this he heroically managed to fend off attacks from the one close to him. This unfortunately left him open to attack by the other one he threw away.

Kate realised what she had done to Deune and froze where she was for a moment before aiming and firing at the other creature above Deune. It shattered above him, unfortunately leaving an open space for the distant one to begin mauling Deune's face.

He fought bravely but the beast tore at his face. Tungsten teeth dug deep into his chest and shoulders. Deune screamed in agony as it bit through the armour plating and into vital biological parts and organs.

The attacking extremely deranged figure that we no longer called human or even cyborg was relentless in its assault. Remnants of a skull hung off it as bloody tendrils dangled from a mechanised internal frame.

Oil and blood spilled everywhere.

Kepler shot more and more holes into this one in particular until it fell apart. She then abandoned her rifle and ran to Deune's side while Kate and I looked around for any more attackers.

There were none left.

That smoker seemed to have disappeared. Did he escape?


Kepler was in tears when she looked down to the man she worked with and whom she loved so dearly. She was completely devastated at the state he was in.

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