Just A Dream

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A/N  :  not adding lyrics. Sorry fam. Just listen to the song.


Jerome's Pov

I drive off towards a Five Guys, Mitch's favorite restaurant. "Where are we going babe?" Mitch asks, watching a music video on YouTube. "Your favorite place." I reply, rubbing his upper leg. Damn he looks hot in skinny jeans... I turn a corner and the restaurant comes into veiw. Mitch shuts off my phone, and looks up in awe. "Babe! You didn't have to!" Mitch says happily. I smile, pulling into the parking lot and finding a perfect place to park.

"Ah, but I did. Didn't you remember? It's our 3 month anniversary! This is where we met. So it's very special." I reply, getting out of the truck. Mitch giggles. "Oh yeah! I've got a little present for you!" He smirks, running into the building. "Hey!" I call, chasing after him. Mitch giggles, waiting at the door for me. "So you waited, huh?" "Yep. Cause I love you." "I love you too, Mitch."

3rd person

Alex pulls into the Five Guys parking lot, spotting Jerome's truck. He growls and parks a few feet away, getting out and walking into the building. Jerome allows Mitch to pick a place to sit at, and follows him. Alex walks into the building and walks to the booth in front of Mitch and Jerome. "So babe, what's your present for me?" Jerome asks Mitch. "Well, it's nothing special, but ya know. I hope you like it." Mitch replies, handing Jerome a box, carefully wrapped. "You wrapped it so carefully babe! Thank you!" Jerome says, opening the box. Inside, a ring that looked like an engagement ring.

Jerome picks the ring up and examines it. Inside the ring, were words that said, "Benja for life, Bacca forever." Jerome gasps in awe. "Baby! It's beautiful! Thank you so much!" He exclaims, kissing Mitch's cheek. "I knew you'd like it Jerome. I love you." "I love you too Mitch." Alex growls lowly and leaves the resturaunt, going to his car. He smacks a note on the windsheild of Jerome's truck, smirking and speeds off.

Jerome and Mitch walk out hand in hand and realizing the note. "Did you put that there?" They ask each other in unison. "No, I was with you." They reply in unison. The boys blush and grab the note. 'I know your secret. Wait until the whole school hears about it.' Mitch gasped in shock and clung onto Jerome. "Get in the truck, I'm going to call Adam and Jason and let them know about this." Jerome says. Mitch nods, following Jerome's instrutions.

Jerome's Pov

I pull out my phone and dial Adam's number. One ring, two-- "Hello?" "Did you put this note on my truck? Did you tell the school about me and Mitch?" "Jerome, what the hell are you talking about?" "Theres a freaking note on the hood of my truck that says, 'I know your secret. Wait til the whole school hears about it.' Did you or Jason do it? Or Ty?" "Jerome, why would me, Jason, or Ty do that to you and Mitch?" "Did Alex say anything about having plans tonight?" I ask, getting in the truck and starting it. "He said he had no plans to go out and was going to play COD all night. Why?" Adam replies.

"Now I know this might sound crazy, but I think Alex did this." I state, Mitch gasps and begins to cry. "Mitch, don't cry. I won't let it happen." I tell him. "Jason says that Ty got a call from Alex to hang out at his place. Should we go check to see if he's okay?" "We should check to see if BOTH of them are okay. As much as Alex is a douche, we have to make sure he's okay." I state.

"Then it's settled. We'll meet at Alex's house in about......" "10 minutes. I'm headed over now from Five Guys." "Okay. See you both in 10." Adam says. I hang up and glance over at Mitch. "Come here..." I coo. He nods and cuddles up to me. "We haven't told ANYONE. So how would Alex find out about us?" Mitch says, whipping his face dry.

"He could've seen my truck and went inside the restaurant." I reply, kissing his head gently. "Good point." He says simply.

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