#4 Friendship

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S O R R Y!

-Aura Blackwood!

----Read On---


You and Jason were friends now. After going back to show him around the camp, you guys starting hanging out together more.

The only reason was this: Jason always seemed to be forgetting were he was going and was constantly becoming lost.

You hated it at first, but slowly fell into his trap and now, you were good friends.

He was your "responsibility" as Chiron had so kindly put it after Jason, Piper and Leo had become lost in the woods.

-Your conversations always went like this-

"Oh!! Y/N!, I was just looking for you!" exclaimed Jason

"Oh really?" you asked , rolling your eyes

"Hmm...uh..where's the archery range again.." he asked after a while

You pointed to the left.

He started walking when you shouted

"WAIT! NO Its over there." 

He ran past you glaring and you would crack a smile.

No matter how much you denied it. You loved your little conversations.


Percy and you became "great friends" after that last incident.

You punched him actually the 3rd time you met.

Chiron had made you to apologise like little kids and now you guys were being forced to work together whenever you guys did sword practice.

He always teased you about how quickly you got angry and called you a hot head.

You were still trying to come up with an original annoying nickname for him.

Slowly, you warmed up to his humor and you became friends.

 - Your conversations always went like this- 

"WAZZ UP BLUE BOY??"( A/N: ??! im out of nicknames for him, someone enlighten meeee) 

"Is that seriously, what you came up with??"

"Gahh, shut up."

...Silence filled the air....

"I SAID WHATS UP IDIOT!" you shouted again

"WAZZ UP HOT HEAD." he replied shouting back

"SHUT UP!" someone shouted from far off.


Leo and you immediately became friends after he gave you a present he had made from his hands.

You adored his cheesy humor and pickup lines.

And he loved how you would always laugh no matter how bad they were.

Even though he would start flirting you insanely fell into his trap and got angry and annoyed which he loved.

But sometimes you would come up with really smart comebacks which he loved listening too.Or you just laughed.

 -Your conversations always went like this- 

"Excuse me, is your name Earl Grey? Because you look like a hot-tea!" Leo said popping out of nowhere, wiggling his eyebrows.

"LEO!." you shrieked jumping up, scared.

"What??.." he said innocently

"Where in hell did you come from??"

"uh...if you wanna talk about hell, I think you should ask Nico....I ..u..don't know anything about hell.." he said acting confused

"Idiot!" you huffed


 " If I am able to rearrange the alphabet, I would put "U" and "I" together. " he said suddenly

You rolled your eyes and retorted-

"Oh, how sweet. If you asked me, I would put "F" and "U" together. "  

He sighed and after another five minutes he said-

" So, wanna go back to my place? "

"Well, I don't know. Will two people fit under a rock? "


You and Nico took time to become friends.

He didn't exactly trust you.

But you were really open once you guys got further into your friendship.

He was shy and always blushing and you were open and funny.

At times e would suddenly say random things and how he felt about something or he would sometimes just rant about something Will had done.

  - Your conversations always went like this- 

"Hey Nico"


You sat down next to him.

"How are you?"

He didn't answer.

You scooted closer to him.

"Whats up??"

"Nothing" he grumbled

You laughed lightly

"Oh no, what did Will do..or was it Jason..or Percy or.."


You held back a laugh.


He glared at you


You choked.


He huffed.

"How did you get it fixed."

He suddenly grinned.

"Oh lord....Nico  w h a t  did you do??"


You were terribly shy with Will. 

He was very hot and just being friends seemed to make your heart beat way to fast.

One day he kissed you on the cheek and you nearly fainted on the inside.

He was just so kind to you and warm.

He actually loved hanging out with you, teaching you archery.

You also loved teasing him about his full name,William, which no one ever called him.

During those conversations he would always lose his temper which you found amusing.

  - Your conversations always went like this- 

"Hiya Y/N!"

"Hey William."

"Gahh!..did you just-" he left the question hanging.

'What??" you asked blushing

"William??" he asked

"hehe, uhm..William..what about it??"

"Oh nothing.."

"Oh okay....William."

"-JUST that it makes me sound badly like Shakespeare.!" he exploded




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