#8 You Make Him Nervous

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# J A S O N 

You were walking passed the training areas when you heard grunts and shouts coming from the area. You turned your head to see Jason and Percy sword fighting. You smirked to yourself as you watched the handsome blonde haired tall young man dodge Percy's strike and then swipe his golden sword at Percy's feet. The tension was so thick between them. (A/N: You could cut it with a knife). You walked up to them and sat on the side as you observed them. You didn't notice but Jason's eyes immediately widened and sweat broke out on his forehead. He tried ignoring your pretty face as you watched the two but his eyes couldn't help themselves. They kept on being drawn to you. 

Suddenly Percy rammed into him and landed on him. 

You squeaked, half disappointed -you were secretly hoping Jason would win. 

You got up and went over to say something to them. As you reached them you caught a few words Percy had whispered to Jason causing him to go red. 

"Someone was distracted eh?"

You looked around confused.

"Pipers not here though.." you stated oblivious to everything.

Jason's eyes widened and he nodded quickly. 

"She uh yeah-" he stammered as Percy choked on nothing trying not to die of laughter. 

"You you think its Pip-"

"WHAT YES OFCOURSEITSPIPER!" cried Jason getting up quickly, running a hand throguh his blonde hair. 

You looked at them weirdly.

"Right.." you muttered. 

You couldn't help feel disappointing at the fact that it wasnt you he had been looking at. 

# P E R C Y 

You were strolling past the cabins giving time to the campers to quickly rush around cleaning and hiding their mess in their cabins. You whistled and eyed Travis as he stuffed some unknown things into a bag and chucked it out the window. You coughed and he turned slowly and smiled sweetly. 

You shook your head and started at the first cabin. Jason. 

You knocked and heard a yelp and the sound of crashing glass as  the door immediately opened to reveal a flustered Blondie. He was wearing his glasses which sat crooked on his nose.

"Hi Y/N!" he shouted loudly and there was scuffling of feet behind him. 

'Hi Jase, could you open the door so I can check your cabin?" you asked narrowing your eyes. 

"Ahh can you come back ano-"

"HEY NO- PIPER CAREFUL! !" shouted Jason as you barged in. 


You walked out red in the face. 

Trying to forget the image as you knocked on Percy's door angrily. 

There was a yelp on the inside and another sound of glass crashing. 

"What is it and glass with these idiot!" you muttered. 

The door flew open and beautiful sea green eyes looked back at you. 

"H-h-hi Y/!" he squeaked in a nervous look as his eyes flew around. 

"Can I come in?!" you asked and he nodded and you walked in. His cabin was spotless and smelled fresh and of sea water. 

It was spotless ecept for that vase broken on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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