Chapter 1

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(a/n I did edit this a little more)




The resounding noise of my ax hitting the old birch was as steady as the beat of a drum. The trunk was getting thinner and thinner the wood started to creak then slowly falling to forest floor colliding with several other trees on the way down.

I was helping Mr. Karam build a small barn for his new work horse that the village children had decided to call Marly. The lumber I was collecting now was to be the main support beam for the roof.

Hacking away at a particularly thick branch and slowly making my way up the tree stopping when I cut off the last of the unneeded limbs.

running my snake-like, green eyes along the trunk to see if I had missed any. I hadn't.

Then wrapping my calloused hands around the knarled bark I started to the large tree to the building site.

The tree must have weighed at least a hundred pounds. totaling about twelve feet tall. After about ten minutes of walking, I got to the large clearing that held a cluster of small buildings most of them being houses but the largest one that was the inn/ bar. I skirted the village until I got to the skeleton of the half finish barn

Mr. Karam was sitting against the corner of a log, head tilted back towards the sky observing the clouds.

Mr. Karam was a tall lanky man with a long crooked nose that had been broken several times. his white hair hinted at his age but no one knew the exact number.

He looks down at me inspecting the log I had brought from the forest. taking a few more steps I laid down the tree in front of him.

''Took you long enough brat.'' His voice was harsh and gravelly but I knew he did not mean it. Getting up from his spot and walking over to the other side of the monstrous log, bending down and picking up.

''Help me with this.'' he gasps in exertion, I nod not saying a word.

I start helping him put the log in position on the already built structure. The task took several hours making us work until the sun was touching the horizon.

Mr. Karam gave me a large loaf of bread saying

''There you go, kid.''

I bow excepting the payment then run off into the woods.

The darkness under the trees did not hinder me as would a normal person, my snake like green eyes pierced the darkness easily allowing me to weave through the trees as if it were midday.

keeping my eyes glued to the canopy looking for the familiar white form of my one and only friend. Spotting him woven in between the branches of a large oak.

Shiro an albino snake that I had found when he was no more than a foot long four years ago, I had always had an infinity with snakes I was not sure why. Shiro was now a mighty hunter over twenty feet long and at his thickest thirty inches around.

I put the sourdough bread in my mouth careful not to bite down too hard. hoisting my self up the tree my movements fluid with years of practice, making my way to Shiro's massive form. Tapping him I waited for him to shift his position so that his head was on the thick branch that I was on.

''Little one~'' he said stretching out each syllable the way all snakes do.

''Hey Shiro'' I reply as I start to rub his head.

''How wassss work~?'' He questions looking at me and lazily flicking out his forked tongue.

''Tiring, I had to drag this big ass log all the way from the west side to where Mr. Karam is building a barn for his horse. How was your day?''

''I ate the most delicious deer~'' he replied flicking his tail happily at the memory.

''Did you save some for me?'' I asked hopefully, but already knowing the answer.


After that, we just sat in a comfortable silence. I had started to eat my bread as Shiro lazily slithered his way around me snuggling into my warmth. As I finished my bread I tilted my head back looking up through the leaves, I could see the stars peeking out from beyond the branches looking over the land the quiet observers.

''Little one it'sssss past your bed time'' Shiro commented noticing how my eyelids drooped. I nodded sleepily, laying down on the thick limb of the tree Shiro rapping himself around me to keep me from falling and to share my body heat. I closed my eyes drifting into the land of dreams.

I awake to screams and shouts, Shiro unwraps his body from around as I sit up. jumping out of the tree I start to run toward the sound, Shiro's scaly for following close behind. Reaching the large clearing the houses the village. My eyes widened in shock the ground was littered with bodies of the dead and dying, blood soaked the ground dying the soil red. Every house was aflame, and several out lines of men could be seen raiding the Inn. One of the men looked over to where I was standing seeing me and even worse recognizing me. The man pointed and said some thing to the man standing next to him. More yelling and they were running toward me.

turning on my heel I fled running into the forest Shiro on my heels.

I ran dodging through trees leaping over logs any thing to get a way. adrenaline coursed through my veins and the sound of people crashing through the forest making me go faster.

At one point my bare foot caught on a root, tripping me. hopping up again I continued to run gathering all sorts of minor injuries my face arms and legs were covered in cuts my knees covered in scrapes my feet had started bleeding because of the sharp rocks and thorns of the forest floor.

But none of it mattered. Why? Because I was running for my life. 

Hey guys as you can see I am starting a new story if you did not read the title this will be an Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn fanfiction so if you don't like that stuff leave

just to warn you i is lazy so I can not guaranty a regular update

If no one's told you I hope you have an awesome day/week/month/year/life

bye :)

Words: 1098

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