Chapter 4

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They stand there frozen as they looked at Shiro with a mix of fear and curiosity. Shiro just stared right back lazily flicking his tongue out toward them. I was just standing there as the awkward silence continued.

''Soooo,'' I said unsure of my self.

 ''This is my best friend and companion Shiro'' I continue gesturing to the snake.

''S-S-S-S-SAKE!'' Yelled Kija jumping behind Hak where Yona and Yun were already hiding. Hak unwrapped his glaive from the cloth covering the blade and brought it to point at Shiro, making Shiro move behind me to avoid getting made into sushi if that is even possible with a snake.

''WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU TRAVELING WITH THAT MOSTER!'' shouted Yun retreating even farther behind Hak and his mighty weapon.

''Calm down Shiro couldn't hurt a fly,'' I say trying to be as reassuring as possible

''Well more like wouldn't, but you get the point,'' I add quickly trying not to make them want to kill Shiro.

''Little one who are thessssse people?'' Shiro asks from behind my back eyeing the glaive pointed in his direction warily.

''weren't you listening to our whole conversation from that tree you were in?'' I asked because he was easily in earshot for the whole time.

''Um.... a few minutes after I knew you were safe I fell asleep.'' He hisses sheepishly looking away

''Lazy ass snake'' I grumble

''Ok, so the freaked out guy in white Kija, he does not like bugs, the boy-girl is Yun, he is the mother, the quiet one is Shinha, don't know much about him other than he has a squirrel named Ao, the red head chick is Yona, she is really nice, and finally the tall guy in blue is Hak, I would stay away from him he is mean.'' as I say all of this they are looking at me like I am crazy again talking to a snake. Shiro nodded at each one of them after I finish introducing them.

Then Yona came out from behind Hak walking up to Shiro with confidence.

'' It's very nice to meet you Shiro I hope we become good friends'' Yona said while bowing and smiled. Shiro, in turn, dipped his head.

''It's very nice to meet you to miss Yona thank you for taking care of Little One'' Shiro replied and knowing they could not under stand my reptilian friend I repeated his words in a language they could understand.

''Wow you can understand him!'' Yona asked eyes sparkling

''Yes'' I replied bluntly

''Well, it's bed time so ill see you guys in the morning'' I say loudly to avoid the awkward silence that I knew I was going to be stuck in the middle of unless I got out of there. turning on my heel I walked back to the tree I found Shiro in and started to climb Shiro trailing me. I lay on one of the thickest branches allow Shiro to wrap himself around me, securing me in place. I hear rustling around below me and I know the others are packing up for the night. the sounds of rustling cloth below sending me into a dreamless sleep. 

''Hey Shiro, I made a friend today,'' my eyes drooping and my voice clouded with exhaustion.

'My first friend' Was my last thought before I drifted off into the sleep that I have been denied for so long.

Hey, guys, that is all time I have to write right now and tomorrow I will probably not update either.

sorry for the really short chapter 

i will probably add more to this chapter at a later date

hope you have a really great day/night/week/month/year/life




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