Chapter 3

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Yona gasped, leaning toward my face to get a closer look.

''Your eyes there...'' I look at my lap not wanting to hear the rest knowing they would look at me differently from now on, just like everyone else

''Beautiful!'' She continued making me blink in surprises. Smiling a true smile I replied

''Thank you'' With all the severity I could muster.

''Wait called you as in past tense?'' Kija finally spoke.

''Hai, The village that I was occupying was burned to the ground four days ago by some men.'' I pause thinking back to the carnage that they had caused.

''To my knowledge, I and my friend were the only survivors and that was only because I lived in the forest near the village,'' I say with sadness in my voice

''Oh you poor girl, you've been through so much!'' Kija anime cried (T-T) as he launched himself at me, and crushed me in a death hug.

''That means you have nowhere to go right? Then why don't you travel with us.'' Yona suggested with a smile on her face.

''I have no objections.'' Yun said cleaning up the dishes.

''The more the merrier'' Kija said wile Shinha nodded. I thought about it for a second. I have nothing to lose I concluded.

''That would be lovely'' I said

''Prin- Yona we just met her, how do you know we can trust her'' Hak argued giving me a cold stare.

''PLEEEEAAAASSSEEEE!'' Yona yelled giving Hak puppy eyes. Hak's resolve was cracking.

''Fine. But if she does anything.'' Hak gave me a warning glare hefting his weapon. I got the hint and gulped.

''Yay, Welcome to the team!'' Yona Yelled happily turning to me.

''Didn't you say you had a friend, they can come with us too,'' Kija said looking around expecting to see a person.

''Now that you mention where is Shiro'' I said wondering out loud.

''Knowing him he would have probably eavesdropped(a/n spelling?) on our conversation'' I commented looking around at the surrounding tree tops looking for the familiar white form. Spotting a familiar scaly tail I said

''Shiro you may be good but I am better'' I say chuckling. the others looking at me like I was crazy, well it did look like I was talking to a tree. Walking over to the said tree I started to climb. creeping up on the well-concealed snake, and gave him a shove making him fall out of the large oak tree. then hopping down my self.

The others just stared in horror at the blue eyed, twenty foot, albino snake that just fell from a tree.

I am so sorry for this not being that long of a chapter I did not have that much time to write as I did with the others

Sorry for any mistakes in grammar or spelling this is unedited

I hope you have a great day/week/month/year/life


Word: 491

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