Chapter 5

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Slowly opening my eyes to the sunshine peeking through the leaves of the tree I was in. groaning sat up pushing my lazy snake companion off of me forcing Shiro to the forest floor. where my friends were eating breakfast quietly, and made them jump.

''Heyyy~'' Shiro wined as he undid himself from the knot that his body had contorted into.

''It's your own fault you lazy ass snake'' I replied grumpily hopping from my branch and landing carefully.

''Morning''  I greeted my new friends only receiving grunts in reply except for Yona who gave me a bright smile and said

''Good morning to you too'' Smiling at the happy-go-lucky attitude of the red head I nodded to her. We sat in silence for a while I ate my share of breakfast.

''Hey Snake can you fight? We run into a lot of trouble and I don't want to have to worry about another person.'' Hak said with a smirk looking at my small figure. 'Guess he still does not like me' I may be small but I know how to defend myself if the occasion arises.

''You should not judge people by how they look. though I try to avoid a fight if possible, I can through a pretty good punch if I have to,'' I reply monotone trying to stop my self from letting him find out how good of a punch I can through. Just to make sure I did not do any thing drastic Shiro made his way on to my lap so it would be easy to stop me if I lunged. he knew how much I hated being under estimated.

''Let's get a move on we have to make it it a good distance before night fall,'' Yun said loudly sensing the tension between.

''Hak, try not to piss off the girl with the twenty-foot killer snake," Yun added to Hak in a whisper Kija nodding in agreement vigorously not wanting to get eaten. Smiling evilly to my self 'Fear me mwahaha haha' i thought.

Getting up and started making my way through the forest toward the nearest road. The strange band of travelers began to walk, and walk, and walk.

After several hours of walking Shiro who was a few steps be hind, I and I was at the back of the group caught up to me and asked

''Little one why are the dragons assembling?''

''So they really do exist'' I muttered not really knowing the answer then something occurred to me.

''Ne, Shiro how do you know?'' I ask

'' Snakes are a close relative of the dragons and can tell when one is near in this case there are two dragons Kija the white dragon and Shin-ha the blue,'' He explained 

''Ne guys, and girls'' I add gesturing to Yun and Yona 

''I'm a boy!'' Yun shouts but I ignore him.

''Why are the dragons assembling?'' I ask curiously. everyone freezes

''How do you know that, are you a spy for Soo-wan?'' Hak asks pointing his now unwrapped glaive at me

''Shiro told me,'' I reply truthfully, not even blinking at the very sharp object in my face.

''He said that snakes are a very close relative to dragons so he can tell if a dragon is near and the only believed him is that Kija has a big claw thingy for a hand'' I say pointing to the very noticeable dragons claw that Kija was trying (failing) to hide in his robes

'' That makes sense, Hak put down your spear'' Yona says nodding her head at the glaive.

''It's a glaive'' I heard Hak mutter as he rewraps his weapon, but that was all the protest he gave.

We continued on our journey and I let my mind wander through my memories to Mr. Karam and the other villagers and how much work they put into daily life than even farther back in time my parents and to my brother who was my role mottle I would follow him around like a lost puppy, we were really close then I remembered how my mother smiled and how my father would put me in his lap in front of the fire on cold winter night and tell stories of when he was a boy and of the four dragons.

I let my raven black hair obscure my face once more hiding the tears that were streaming down my face.


The next few days we continued on in the direction of the green dragon staying away from major roads and soldier caps that shin-ha sees before we get there.

Finally, we reached the port city Awa the crouded city was right at the edge of the water

The ocean a magnificent blue seemed to be talking to the sky in the steady rythom of the ongoing waves.

Hey peoples of the world how are you doing this fine millennium

I just realized that after the OC meats  Zeno I have to actually study the manga because i only watched the anime and I don't know what to write about next so updates may take a bit longer when I get to that point in the plot

i hope you have a good night/day/afternoon/week/month/year/life



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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