Pharah x Reader

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Sitting on a bench in a cold, but breezy climate wondering who I'd grow up to marry. Would I be a mother? Would I be sat in a lonely house, wishing for someone to sweep me from my feet and take me away to the lands of love? I wondered. This all seemed weird to me, as I've never really felt love, but for the past few weeks I've been craving this one woman. I've never really been this shy around one. Her name is Fareeha. Most call her Pharah though. I just loved her unique personality. She is one of my closest friends other than Hana and Angela. I didn't really bother in asking her out and such because I knew that she was dating another girl. Sadly. I kept it to myself. The only person I told was Hana. She knew way before that she started dating the girl. She was fairly new to Overwatch. Being a jealous little brat I am, I decided to go for a walk to see if they were doing something. I heard them talking about some party going on about the new Overwatch person joining. Hana said she's going to take me there. It turns out Fareeha already knew her from her high school. What a coincidence, right?

I took a look of my body in the mirror. Being very self conscious, I cringed at my stomach. I didn't really have enough time to do this so I only just figured out how bad my stomach looks. I bet people will see this. I sighed.

After looking at my body, I decided to skip eating today. I continued with this for a few days. It was very hard to not eat though.

**Day of the party**

I was so nervous to go because I hated crowds.

**Fareeha's POV**

Sat on the couch in my room with my girlfriend, Gina. She was the love of my life. I had my outfit picked out already. I'm often organised for these types of events.

Your POV

Dresses thrown everywhere, skirts and lots of other pieces of clothes being thrown. I was close to having a breakdown. I tried to calm myself down. I grabbed headphones and played one of my favourite songs on full volume. Face first on bed, laying, I thought.

Am I worth life? Is this just a dream?

I picked up a dress that looked decently cute. It was my favourite colour. It suited me well, according to Hana.

I fixed my hair and makeup, along with placing high heels on. Angela taught me how to walk in high heels the best way without tumbling on the ground.

I heard a knock on my door so I quickly went after it, thinking it was Hana.

Greeted by the lovely face, Fareeha, I gasped mentally.

"Fareeha? Why are you here?"

"Listen Y/N, I've seen you struggling lately. You haven't came out to eat for days now. I'm very concerned."

"So uh, I'd like you to have this, Y/N."

She gave me a box that was shaped as a love heart, wrapped nicely with a bow on top.

"Please Y/N, you must eat. These were for my girlfriend but I think you deserve them." She pecked your cheek and walked away.

What just happened??

I unwrapped the box to see some finely created chocolates. They looked expensive. Getting curious now, I took a taste of one.

My taste buds agreed with this. They taste great!

Then, I heard another knock. It for sure must be Hana.

"One second!" 

Running to the door, I saw Hana dressed up in a cute pink dress. It looked like something straight out of an anime.

"That looks nice!"

I almost felt disappointed that she had a way better dress than me. Damn it! I wished to be pretty like her. We decided that we should go now because we didn't want to be late.

**Time skip to the party**

There were drunk people already. What is this?

Deciding to see a couple of friends, I wondered around looking for them. Drunk faces, it looks lkr they're having lots of fun. Even people trying to do sexual things. Gross.

I found Fareeha in a group of her what it looks like friends. She noticed me straight away and pulled you into a long hug.

Why is she hugging me? Is she drunk?

We stopped hugging.

Fareeha, are you drunk?


I nodded my head.

**Fareeha's POV**

I tried to find her. The girl who I once called my girlfriend. She was secretly sneaking up to random people and doing sexual stuff... I'm so happy Y/N didn't get involved. Especially because...

I think I love her.

I'm going to tell her so.

**Y/N's POV**

Fareeha looked stressed.

"What's wrong Fareeha?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Can I ask you a question in private?"

You nodded your head and she took you to one of the quiet rooms where not many people go in.

"Y/N, I'm sorry if this creeps you out or anything like that but..

I think...

I love you."

As soon as the word "love" came out of her mouth, I started internally screaming.

"I love you too, Fareeha." I replied back with.

"May I?"

You nodded.

You swear you could've felt sparks as soon as she kissed you. It felt like heaven.

You spent your time at the party out on the balcony, exchanging each other kisses and looking at the sunset. This is the life.

I love her.

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