Sombra X Reader

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This is for both genders.

Your POV

Becoming a Talon agent was one of the best things that could ever happen to me. I met people. My best friend you could say is Amelie. We share lots of funny moments together. But there was this one girl who stood out to me. Sombra.

She was new, but gosh, did I become in love with her. Intensely.

Amelie knows and she laughed.

"Foolish love."

I completely ignored what she just said. I was too distracted looking at the girl. She was my type, I could tell. I didn't know much about hacking but I knew some things about computers. I don't know if that counts but oh well, she can teach me when we're dating and we can hack together! We can--

A stinging feeling on my shoulder occurred. Amelie slapped me there.

"Did you even listen to anything I just said about our mission?"


Amelie sighed. This isn't the first time that this has happend.

"Y/N, you need to pay attention more often. My gosh, how many times have you done that?"

Were gonna have kids that can hack and be cool as us!

They're doing it again.

*time skip to the mission*

Finally, we got there. I was partnered with my girlfrie- Sombra. We talked for a little while before the match. We had similar interests, surprisingly. I'm quite awkward around people that I haven't met but I tried.

"Y/N, have you ever had this crush on a person who you've just met? I forgot the name...

"Ah! True love!"

You stood there, dumbfounded but sad.

"Yes, I have... Most recently actually. Who is the person that you like? Do they work for Talon or that stupid Overwatch program?"

"No.. They work for Talon. And I don't think you want to know who I feel love for." 

As soon as she said that, the match started. We tried our best.

Most of the match went quite smoothly accept for this one thing. As we were both waiting for a heal, she booped my nose. MY NOSE.

The match ended in a good note, we defended the payload safely.

After the match, we arrived back. Nobody had many inguries so that kept Angela very happy and cheery.

Seeing Sombra hug another Talon member as they were stressed, you thought they were dating. You were jealous. To the max, honestly. You've never felt this jealous ever. Looking at them for a short period of time, I then back away and look around to find Amelie. She's already on a mission, I assume. Everybody must be on a mission again.. That's a little unusual. I decided to walk around the place for a while to see if anyone is actually here. Being anxious as I already am, I heard these weird technology like sounds. They were coming from.. Sombra's room? I walked in to see Sombra sitting there, hacking some random games. I knocked the door, getting Sombra to prop her head up to you.

"Hi Y/N!" 

"Hi, Sombra. How are you?" 

"I.. I'm OK! What about you?"

I nodded in agreement as I was good too.

"Can I ask you something Y/N?"

I nodded.

"Well, I know this is probably just stupid, foolish love but I think that I love you. A lot. Will you be my partner?" 

I leaned in for a kiss. It was awkward at first but then we both got into it.

"I love you, Sombra."

"I love you too!"


"What the f*$# is this Y/N?" Amelie yelled.

"Sombra is my girlfriend!"

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