Widowmaker x Reader

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Your POV

There was a girl. She was not your typical girl. She played with your heart, while she felt no emotion. You knew she worked for Talon, but you'd still love her for the way she was. You weren't an Overwatch agent.

Everybody knows they're not very good. People have been killed. Almost dangerous, even. One person has went rogue. Many rumors have been told that Talon has been taken over by Overwatch.

Everybody knows Overwatch are the good guys. Talon are the bad guys. But nobody even knows what they do. Everybody just assumes that if they want to attack them, they're bad. It could be for a reason. Overwatch could have done something bad in the past life. Who knows?



"H-huh? Yes?"

"Took you long enough. Anyway, everybody's gone on a mission. Looks like it's just you and I." 

Widowmaker's POV

Alright, alright, I know I don't feel emotion and all but I think i have feelings for Y/N, Cherie. She's so beautiful, how can anyone possibly not like her?

"I will kill anyone who gets in my way, or her way of our relationship, without hesitation to do so."

I decided to think of asking Y/N out. But she may think I'm one of those loving, cuddly idiots. But.. To be honest, I am when I'm around her. I love her.

All the words came out my mouth almost forced.

All these words.

"Y/N, Veux-tu être ma petite amie?"

Y/N took French lessons, so obviously she's gonna know...

Your POV

My heart trembled. I didn't know what to say. I loved her back.


It was awkward for a little, until Amelie broke the silence and kissed me.

She never felt emotion like this before.

It was very surprising to me.

"Je t'aime, Y/N."

"Je t'aime aussi, Amelie."

(If you don't understand French, the translations are:

Veux-tu être ma petite amie? = Will you be my girlfriend?

Je t'aime, Y/N. = I love you, Y/N.

Je t'aime aussi, Amelie. = I love you too, Amelie.

Cherie = beloved , dear , dearest , darling. )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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